
Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

author:Dr. Lilac
Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

In China, the incidence of stomach cancer is second only to lung cancer, and the mortality rate ranks third. There are about 1.2 million new cases of stomach cancer worldwide each year, and China accounts for about 40% of them.

Although the high incidence of stomach cancer is between the ages of 50 and 80, the number of young gastric cancer patients aged 19 to 35 years has increased significantly in the past five years, which shows how important the prevention of stomach cancer is.

Unhealthy eating habits, in particular, are more likely to trigger cancer.

For example: high-salt, high-fat diets, low-vitamin diets; sauerkraut, kimchi; foods contaminated with fungi or smoked and fried foods may increase the risk of cancer.

So, let's talk about what other eating habits are prone to cancer?

Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

Is there any harm in overnight leftovers?

Will it be carcinogenic?

It is true that meals are left overnight after cooking and may produce nitrites the next day, but take precautions without worrying about poisoning or carcinogenesis.

First of all, although the nitrite content in cooked food will increase during the refrigeration process, in 24 hours, the amount of nitrite produced is only very small, does not exceed the relevant national standards, and it is impossible to reach the level of poisoning or even carcinogenicity.

But if you are still very worried, you must do two things, as short as possible to save the time, or as low as possible to reduce the storage temperature. Because the longer the cooked food is stored and the higher the temperature, the more bacteria breed and the more carcinogens are produced.

In addition, the lunch box can be simply disinfected when bringing rice, and the content of microorganisms and nitrite can also be reduced.

Finally, check whether the box is sealed before eating: an airtight lunch box or a glass lunch box, the lid will be difficult to open, because the air inside the box is cold and contracted, causing negative pressure. It is difficult for bacteria outside such a box to get in, and there is no need to worry about nitrite.

Therefore, adhering to a healthy lifestyle and staying away from these cancer-causing risk factors can definitely reduce the incidence of cancer.

Seeing this, you may still have questions, such as: How to treat and prevent stomach cancer? How should Helicobacter pylori be treated?

In order to solve everyone's questions, Dr. Ding Xiang invited Yan Feifei, attending physician of the Department of Oncology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, to talk about the content related to "stomach cancer".

Thursday, December 16 at 19:00

Attending Physician of The Department of Oncology Yan Feifei

Do a good job in this small thing, and the incidence of stomach cancer is reduced

Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

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Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

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Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?
Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

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Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

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Can I eat overnight meals? Does it increase the risk of cancer?

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