
Good Book 丨Design Psychology 1: Everyday Design

In the process of learning design, it is natural to have such a textbook-level good book - "Design Psychology"

Good Book 丨Design Psychology 1: Everyday Design

Today, let Xiaobian take you to understand the "Design Psychology" series of books, a set of good books that people all over the world are reading.

The Psychology of Design is divided into four books: Everyday Design, Coexistence and Complexity, Emotional Design, and Future Design.

The author is a cute old man - Donald A. Norman, the language is witty and humorous, very funny.

Good Book 丨Design Psychology 1: Everyday Design

Today, Xiaobian wants to introduce you to the first book in this series - "Daily Design"

I believe that everyone will inevitably experience the process of theoretical learning in the process of learning and understanding design. A lot of theoretical knowledge is relatively boring, I don't know if everyone is the same as Xiaobian, as soon as you hear the theory, you will miss the pillow.

And this book is exactly a book that introduces design theory, and the whole book is introducing and analyzing the daunting theories of energy, symbols, images, and feedback.

But! The book is not boring to read, but has a lot of fun.

In the book, the author lists a large number of life examples to interpret the theory:

Why do people get injured while passing through a closed glass door?

What do the lateral and longitudinal handles on the door imply?

What function does the multiple buttons of an electronic watch represent?

Why is it arranged this way?

Why can't we remember what a coin looks like but use it correctly?

With this last vivid example, the authors illustrate why precise behavior deviates markedly from vague knowledge. This also reminds xiaobian of an interesting news before: American netizens draw the LOGO of major brands with their memories, which can be said to be very ghostly animals...

Good Book 丨Design Psychology 1: Everyday Design
Good Book 丨Design Psychology 1: Everyday Design

While we can't help but laugh, the author also explains to us why precise behavior can be born out of vague knowledge.

Speaking of which, do you also wonder why you can't remember the Starbucks LOGO but you can find the Starbucks coffee shop correctly?

Xiaobian left a small suspense here, I hope you can find the answer when reading!

In addition, the author uses the first person in his writing to introduce many interesting conceptual models in combination with his own experiences.

When riding a motorcycle, if you want to make the car turn left, you must turn the handlebars right. When skiing, if you want to turn right, you must move your left foot. These "contrary" conceptual models always contradict our brain's intentions, but mistakes are applied to real life. After reading this paragraph, Xiaobian finally knew why he always wrestled when he skied...

Many of the details of life that we are accustomed to are actually implicit in the ingenuity or problem of the design.

The subtlety of this book lies in the fact that he uses one theory and case after another to theorize the bits and pieces of our lives, so that design moves from the dark side of life to people's vision. You'll suddenly sigh: that's the way it is!

Everyday Design allows you to no longer change yourself in order to learn to use the product, but to adapt the product to your habits and learn naturally.

I hope this book can make you more aware of life, do exquisite pig girl and pig boy ~