
Teacher Nai Nai's storytelling | "Little White Rabbit Loves Bimei"

Teacher Nai Nai's storytelling | "Little White Rabbit Loves Bimei"
Teacher Nai Nai's storytelling | "Little White Rabbit Loves Bimei"

Teacher Nai Nai tells stories

"Little White Rabbit Love Bimei"

Teacher Nai Nai's storytelling | "Little White Rabbit Loves Bimei"

Quotes from Teacher Nai Nai:

Story appreciation

Little white rabbit loves bimi

Everyone praised Xiao Bai for being obedient and beautiful, and the little white rabbit was proud. One day, the little white rabbit said to his mother, "I'm looking for children to play." Mom said, "Go, watch out for the big bad wolf." The little white rabbit jumped away. The little white rabbit found the woodpecker and said, "Come, come, come, let's compare and compare, to see who has a short tail, and the big bad wolf can't catch it." The woodpecker said, "I'm busy, I'm going to see the tree." The little white rabbit met the little yellow dog again, and the little yellow dog was guarding the door for the owner. The little white rabbit said, "Come, come, come, let's compare and see who has the long ears." The little yellow dog said, "I'm watching the door." The little white rabbit walked forward again, saw the big yellow cow, and said, "I want to eat grass, and I will plough the land in a while." The little white rabbit saw that everyone ignored it and went home sadly. When I got home, my mother asked him, "Why are you back again?" and the little white rabbit said, "I found woodpeckers, little yellow dogs, and big yellow cows, and they ignored me." Mom said, "Are you more beautiful than anyone again?" and the little white rabbit said, "Yes." Mom said, "You're not right, beauty is not beautiful in appearance, it depends on how many things you can do." Everyone has its strengths, and you have to learn from other people's strengths so that you can progress. The little white rabbit was no longer proud to hear his mother's words, and loved to learn more.

Planning | Wang Hui

Editor| Wang Hui

Broadcast | Wang Hui

Responsible editor| Du Chengzheng Wang Ping

Executive Producer | Li Hongmei Xue Jinping

Sub-long melt media

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