
How to help your baby get rid of tiptoeing habits?] 】

When the baby first learns to walk, because the heel tendon has not yet matured, the heavy xin will move forward, the coordination and balance of the body is not good, and the control of the foot cloth is not skilled, and it will tiptoe to walk. Clinically, this condition is called "tiptoe gait", referred to as "pointed foot". For babies who are about one year old, it is very common to have a toe gait. However, walking on tiptoes for a long time will make the calf muscles in a state of tension for a long time, and it needs to be corrected in time.

Say goodbye to the walker, some babies use the walker too early, not only walk on tiptoes during the toddler stage, but also walk in an incorrect posture when they grow up. Therefore, the baby learns to walk, it is not recommended to use a walker.

Let the baby walk barefoot, and walking barefoot can make the toes better grip the ground, cultivate the baby's sense of balance, and thus learn to walk faster. In addition, you can also exercise your baby's ability to walk on the slope, which is conducive to exercising the calf muscles.

Choose the right shoes, shoes that do not fit may also cause the baby to tiptoe, so it is important to choose the right shoes for the baby in the toddler stage, it is recommended to choose shoes that are easier to bend the forefoot, which is conducive to starting and is also conducive to cultivating the correct walking posture.

How to help your baby get rid of tiptoeing habits?] 】

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