
Interpretation of the History of World War II Series 22: How Japan Invaded China in Those Years (II)

author:Veteran researcher of World War II history

After the "9.18" and "1.28" incidents, both China and Japan were undergoing rapid changes. The changes in China are positive, the Anti-Japanese Salvation Movement is becoming the common need of all classes in society, and the Chinese revolution is ushering in a broader path of development. The changes in Japan are reactionary; after two great victories in the two incidents, the "stock price" of the military ministry within the imperialist system has risen sharply, Japanese imperialism has officially begun the process of fascism, the cabinet has obeyed the military ministry more and more, the democratic political component with only a little bit has dropped sharply, and the autocratic and authoritarian elements have risen sharply. The mechanism of operation of aggression under the leadership of the military department is smoother, unlike the "9.18" incident, where elements "lead" the military department and the military department "leads" the cabinet. Japanese imperialism has embarked on a new stage of aggression with an even more majestic posture.

At this time, however, Japanese imperialism did not intend to embark on the road of all-out aggression against China. On the one hand, the military department has not yet achieved complete dominance within the japanese imperialist ruling system, and the aggressive policy of the military department that is too fierce and too hasty and too risky has not yet become the main choice of Japanese imperialism; on the other hand, the Chinese reactionaries continue their reactionary policy of "outside the country must first be at home" and their national capitulationist policy of non-resistance. Therefore, for Japanese imperialism, the policy of gradual aggression that combined military coercion with political coercion formed during the "January 28" incident is still a promising "low-risk" policy of aggression; with the Chinese reactionaries constantly suppressing the people's anti-Japanese sentiment, Japanese imperialism can gradually and "quietly" plunder more aggressive benefits.

In the new stage of aggression, the aggressive forces headed by the military department have formulated a more clear "planning plan" for Japanese imperialism, that is, to occupy the Rehe River first and then invade North China. With regard to Rehe, Japanese imperialism is prepared to focus on a military invasion, and if the abduction fails, it will not resort to a military invasion of North China for the time being, and will gradually split it off by political and economic means, and then encroach on it.

Rehe was the last province to hang out of the seki, and the Japanese invaders were determined to win it. The clamor of aggression has long been rampant, and the work of abduction and surrender has also been carried out with great vigor. Although the Rehe warlord Tang Yulin did not surrender in the end, his will to resist has been greatly weakened, and there are many people within the warlord who are ready to surrender to the sun. For Tang Yulin, the former tiger and wolf division of the Eastern Army was followed by Chiang Kai-shek's policy of "taking care of the outside world must first be at home", and internally the army was unstable. The will is impossible for him, and the lack of courage is a true portrayal of him at this time. Therefore, with such a reactionary environment and such a cowardly ruler, Regawa was undoubtedly in the pocket of the Japanese invaders.

In the second half of 1932, Japanese imperialism began to make direct military preparations for the invasion of Heat, but before that, because it had to deal with the Northeast Volunteer Army, concocted pseudo-Manchuria, launched the "1.28" incident, and consolidated the achievements of the "9.18" aggression, the Japanese aggressors were still unable to free their hands to point the aggressive edge of the aggression at Rehe. At this time, the Kwantung Army had soared from more than 10,000 people before september 18 to about 100,000 people, and more than 40,000 people and a large number of puppet troops were directly used to invade the heat, and the rest continued to be used to "crusade" against the anti-Japanese forces under the leadership of the Northeast Volunteer Army and the Communist Party, and consolidate its colonial rule in the northeast. With everything in place, on February 23, 1933, just a few days before its withdrawal from the League of Nations, Japanese imperialism began a new pace of aggression.

In the face of the new aggressive actions of Japanese imperialism, what is the reactionary government of Chiang Kai-shek doing? In the face of the wave of anti-Japanese anger among the masses of the people, to use the phrase we used to say, the rulers can no longer maintain their rule as usual, and they cannot but adjust and change, albeit extremely reluctantly. As a result, Chiang Kai-shek's government took some anti-Japanese postures and adopted some specious anti-Japanese measures to cope with public opinion and deceive the people, and Chiang Kai-shek's "anti-Japanese" policy changed from absolute non-resistance during the "9.18" period to an errand-like resistance at this time. These measures included the establishment of a branch of the Beiping Army to deal with the anti-Japanese resistance in the north and the Beiping Administrative Affairs Consolidation Committee that presided over the negotiations with Japan, and temporarily cobbled together the miscellaneous armies of the warlords of various factions in the north to form a military force to deal with the anti-Japanese resistance, of which the 80,000 Northeast Army directly used for the defense of Rehe, twice as large as the Japanese army on the opposite side.

The paradox of these measures is manifested in the fact that the measures are not carried out quickly in a positive and resolute manner, but are from the beginning a negative product of dealing with errands, so that the measures have not yet been deployed and stopped, and the Japanese army has invaded; as for this temporarily patchworked military force, the crux of the problem is not that it is incapable of undertaking the task of resisting Japan, but that it does not have the ambition and courage to undertake this task. It is impossible for this military force to be backed by the people, still less can it mobilize the people, organize the people, rely on the people, throw themselves into the great cause of resisting Japan with a positive and resolute posture, and take it as its duty to completely eliminate the Japanese aggressors and recover the lost land. Therefore, in the face of the Japanese aggressors, they retreated without a fight and fled before a battle; they stood by and waited, and they did not take the anti-Japanese as a matter of merit, but rather took pride in surrendering to the enemy. Therefore, such an anti-Japanese front collapsed at a touch, retreating again and again, until the great rivers and mountains were once again surrendered to the enemy -- for more than ten days, 80,000 troops fled in a hurry, and the nearly 200,000 square kilometers of Rehe Province fell into the hands of the enemy again.

On the one hand, he fought against Japan with a false and vicious snake, and on the other hand, he went all out to "suppress the Communists" -- this is the whole face of Chiang Kai-shek's policy. On the front line of "encircling and suppressing" the people's revolutionary forces, he did not hesitate to spend tens of millions of dollars

-- The anti-Japanese front is financially insufficient and overstretched; sending a million troops, hundreds of thousands of elites, and all air force forces -- the anti-Japanese front is inferior in weapons and small in number. The generals and patriots in North China demanded that he go north to resist Japan and preside over the grand plan, but he was vain to cope with it and turned a deaf ear. The people's revolutionary forces under the leadership of the Communist Party offered to conclude anti-Japanese combat agreements with any army in the country under the three conditions of "stopping the attack on the Soviet areas", "guaranteeing the democratic rights of the people" and "arming the people". The masses from all walks of life responded enthusiastically, demanding one after another that the Kuomintang government stop the civil war and unite to resist Japan, actively making suggestions and demanding that it respect the people, arm the people, and concentrate all its efforts on the anti-Japanese front. Of course, Chiang Kai-shek resolutely refused to do so and was extremely stubborn. This is the case with the reactionaries, who blindly defend their own interests, take it as their competence to suppress the people and strengthen their autocracy, and refuse to make concessions to the people and to history. However, the tide of history and the will of the people cannot be violated, and the reactionary forces either rapidly perish in this violation or continue their reactionary rule with temporary conformity.

Interpretation of the History of World War II Series 22: How Japan Invaded China in Those Years (II)

Military invasion of Rehe and the Great Wall to resist

The Kuomintang government reacted passively, while the Japanese aggressors did not stop, and after occupying Rehe, they immediately pointed the aggressive edge of aggression at the passes along the Great Wall and extended the clutches of aggression to the land of north China. In the face of the unanimous condemnation of the whole country after the fall of The river, in the face of the more fierce criticism of "outside the country must first be inside the country", in the face of the stronger demand to stop the civil war and unite to resist Japan, the reactionary government's resistance to aggression cannot but be strengthened, and the defense along the Great Wall has improved compared with the previous defense of the Rehe River, although the various armies are still on the front line, passive defense, rather than concentrating forces and actively attacking. From March 5, after the occupation of Chengde, the capital of Rehe, the Great Wall Resistance War that lasted more than 80 days officially began, which was the first large-scale anti-Japanese operation carried out by the Kuomintang army in North China, with a total of about 250,000 Kuomintang troops participating in the war, still composed of warlords from various factions in the north, plus a small amount of the Central Army, and the number of Japanese troops participating in the war increased from 40,000 at the time of the invasion of Rehe to 80,000.

The War of Resistance can be divided into three phases. From March 5 to the end of March, the battle was carried out at different times and places, and the Intention of the Japanese Army was to take advantage of the victory of the battle and quickly take the mouths of the Great Wall to lay the foundation for the next step. The Chinese army put up stubborn resistance and basically held the Great Wall defense line. In this process, some advanced examples of heroic resistance against Japan emerged: the 17th Army fought fiercely with the Japanese army at Gubeikou, fearing no loss of death, and fighting for every inch of land; the 29th Army actively fought at Xifengkou, severely damaged the Japanese army, and the defensive line remained unchanged. These examples are undoubtedly inspiring again and have been highly praised and actively supported by the masses and patriots of all walks of life. The masses of the people were undoubtedly the firm backing of the Great Wall War of Resistance, and they supported the War of Resistance in various forms and held new hopes for it.

Regrettably, however, this was still a war of resistance between the hypocrisy and the snake, the reactionary national policy of "taking the outside world before the inside" remained unchanged, Chiang Kai-shek refused to increase the number of troops on the Great Wall, and with the acquiescence and connivance of the reactionaries headed by him, Japanese agents and pro-Japanese elements were active in the rear to sabotage the War of Resistance. Militarily, the Kuomintang troops participating in the war were lined up with factions, divided their troops, and fought for their own battles, and more than 200,000 troops did not form a joint force, concentrated their forces, and gave the Japanese Kou a annihilating blow. Such an army should not say that it is impossible to cross the Great Wall and recover the lost land, even if it is to hold the Defense Line of the Great Wall with a positive posture. Of course, military negativity is nothing more than a reflection of political negativity, nothing more than a reflection of people's disillusionment, nothing more than a reflection of the reluctance to genuinely resist the war and passive response to connivance.

Therefore, entering the second stage, the form was reversed, the Japanese army concentrated its forces to attack the mouths of the Great Wall one after another, the Kuomintang army was broken through one after another, and the trend of unintentional resistance reappeared. In early May, the Great Wall War of Resistance entered the third stage. In view of the failure of the previous stage of Itagaki Seishiro's instigation of the internal changes of the Kuomintang in North China, the Military Department formally clarified the aggressive policy of "focusing on forced peace and following internal changes." The Kwantung Army once again let go of its hands and feet and prepared to do a lot of work in order to achieve the goal of relying on military coercion to achieve political coercion. The Kwantung Army gathered its main forces on the east and west flanks of the Great Wall defense line and launched a large-scale attack on the Kuomintang army, and the Kuomintang army, which lacked adequate preparation and effective measures, returned to the performance it had performed when Rehe was invaded, retreating all the way, retreating again and again, and the Japanese army was like entering no man's land, and a large area of jidong was once again trapped by the enemy. The japanese attack was directed at the Hiratsu area, and it was likely to take it in one fell swoop. The city of Beiping was in chaos, and the military authorities in North China prepared to flee south to Baoding.

However, just as the crisis was at its climax, the Japanese aggressors had ceased their offensive, their military coercion had reached their goal, and it was time to impose political coercion on the basis of the most demanding conditions to force Chiang Kai-shek's reactionary government to compromise again and conclude an alliance under the city. On May 25, the Great Wall Resistance Came to an end. According to the statistics of the Japanese General Staff, the Great Wall Operation, together with the Rehe Operation, killed and wounded a total of 2,400 Japanese troops. In the Great Wall War of Resistance, the Chinese army suffered more than 18,000 casualties, and although the Chinese army paid a huge price and resisted heroically in the early days of the Great Wall War, it ended in a major failure.

Of course, the compromise against Japan was not forced by Chiang Kai-shek's government after the defeat of the Great Wall War of Resistance, but was actively promoted at the beginning of the Great Wall War of Resistance. The "1.28" War of Resistance ended in compromise, and Chiang Kai-shek also intended to do the same against the Great Wall. Compromise is an inevitable choice of the reactionaries who "must first settle down inside the country" and not only want to survive under the iron hooves of the aggressors and preserve their immediate interests, but also want to end the war as soon as possible and eliminate the people's anti-Japanese sentiments, so as to "concentrate on the peace inside." However, the more it wants to compromise, the more the aggressor will not compromise with it, and it will make the military coercion achieve the greatest effect, and the reactionaries' desire to compromise will reach the strongest degree. When all this reached its peak, a new treaty of humiliating national humiliation, the Tanggu Armistice Agreement, was born. This traitorous agreement, full of insulting rhetoric and disguised as "military language", at once set the pseudo-Manchu "national border" on the Great Wall – this marked the reactionary government's effective recognition of the puppet Manchu regime. The "Armed Zone of East Hebei", which was actually recorded in the name of the aggressor outside this "national border," opened the door for the aggressor to seize the regime in North China. And those insulting words show that as long as the Chinese people change slightly, the invaders can take Pingjin lightly and take North China. The four verbal secret treaties reached outside the agreement, the withdrawal of the Kuomintang troops from North China and the complete suppression of the "Anti-Japanese Movement," showed that the reactionary government had granted "a concession for Japan to invade North China in the future." "It seems that the new armistice agreement is more violently indulging the aggressors than the previous Shanghai Armistice Agreement.

As soon as Chiang Kai-shek's "Tanggu Agreement," which was delusional that "the people could rest in peace for the time being," was promulgated, it was unanimously opposed by the whole country. The people's revolutionary forces under the leadership of the Communist Party declared that they would never recognize the "Tanggu Agreement" and called on the people of the whole country to rise up and oppose and block the implementation of any of the articles of the agreement by striking, striking classes, striking the market, demonstrating, and organizing their own ranks; patriotic generals sent telegrams to oppose compromise; public opinion lashed out at the traitorous agreement; various circles in Fuzhou City held a demonstration to oppose the traitorous agreement; overseas Chinese in Indonesia sent a telegram to Wang Jingwei saying: "The public can go to the wilderness, and the agreement on national subjugation will not be recognized."; even the local warlord forces pointed out that the armistice agreement "must be opposed to ,... ... In fact, it is no different from a treaty of surrender", "if it is implemented, it will be the general cause of future bloodshed".

The deeper the national disaster, the stronger the will of the people. Some patriotic people have planned not only to carry out anti-Japanese propaganda, but also to implement the anti-Japanese resistance into practical actions. Outside guanwai, with the participation or leadership of the Communist Party of China, the anti-Japanese banner has been clearly raised, and the anti-Japanese beacon has spread throughout the northeast. In Guannei, despite the "1.28" War of Resistance and the Great Wall War of Resistance, the anti-Japanese banner has never really been clearly displayed. General Feng Yuxiang was the first person to take this step. General Feng Yuxiang, who was once a participant and loser in the Warlord Chaos in the Central Plains, embarked on the road of anti-Japanese salvation after the "9.18" incident and became an active participant in this movement. With strong patriotic enthusiasm, he appealed to all circles of the country to resist Japan, fiercely attacked Chiang Kai-shek's policy of misleading the country, and at the same time constantly offered suggestions and suggestions to chiang kai-shek's government, hoping that this government would embark on a firm anti-Japanese road. However, under the heavy obstruction of the reactionaries, this wish of his has never been realized.

As early as after losing power in the Central Plains War, Feng Yuxiang began to contact the Communist Party and its truth of saving the country and the people, which increased his good feelings for the Communist Party. After embarking on the road of resisting Japan and saving his life, he strengthened his cooperation with the Communist Party. It was also under the active suggestion of the Communist Party that he resolutely decided to break through the reactionary obstruction and mobilize the people to resist Japan with practical actions. With the joint assistance of the Communist Party and his old headquarters of the Northwest Army, Feng Yuxiang decided to organize an anti-Japanese allied army in Chahar Province and began his journey to the Anti-Japanese War in Chahar Province. Feng Yuxiang's decision and preparations for the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Chahar Province were supported by the people of Chahar and all sectors of the country. The broad masses of the people in Cha Province strongly demanded that they be armed and defend their homeland, which was the direct mass basis of Feng Yuxiang's anti-war actions. Anti-Japanese salvation groups in various localities have expressed their support and praise for the anti-Japanese allies, hoping that it will realize the anti-Japanese resistance at an early date. In addition, some local warlords also proceeded from their own interests and expressed solidarity with the Japanese allies.

Feng Yuxiang's anti-Japanese allied army was mainly composed of the old headquarters of his northwest army, and at the same time, the anti-Japanese troops who retreated from the northeast and Rehe into Cha Province, as well as a number of patriotic young people and students from all over north China, also joined this team, with a total strength of about 100,000 troops, some of which were directly led by the Communist Party or had great influence in it. The reason why the Anti-Japanese Allied Army is a military force that holds high the clear banner of anti-Japanese righteousness lies in the fact that it is a military force with a distinct anti-Japanese program as its soul and an anti-Japanese regime as its backing. This anti-Japanese program clearly defined the unswerving anti-Japanese purpose of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, clarified the "united front of the allied forces for the revolutionary army and the people" and "realized the popular power of resisting Japan and saving the country", abolished harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes, improved the people's living standards, released patriotic political prisoners, and "guaranteed the freedom of the anti-Japanese people to assemble, associate, publish, publish and arm the armed forces." At the same time as forming the Anti-Japanese Allied Army, Feng Yuxiang carried out a series of reforms to the Cha Provincial Regime, so that this regime took safeguarding the interests of the anti-Japanese people as its purpose and mobilized, organized, and armed the anti-Japanese people as its purpose, so that this regime began to have the nature of an anti-Japanese national united front.

In the process of feng yuxiang's organization of the anti-Japanese allied forces, the role of the Communist Party was undoubtedly decisive. In order to assist Feng Yuxiang, the NORTHERN ORGANIZATION of the CCP sent a large number of cadres. Whether it is the liaison and convocation of the various factions of the allied forces, or the decision of the anti-Japanese program; whether it is the mobilization of the people or the reform of the Cha Provincial Regime, we can see their figure and their great role and influence. The part of the ranks directly led by the Communist Party or with great influence in it is undoubtedly the most staunch part of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, and therefore its core part.

On May 26, 1933, before and after the tanggu agreement was conceived and signed, General Feng Yuxiang sent a telegram to the whole country, announcing the official establishment of the anti-Japanese allied army. After nearly a month of intense preparations, on June 22, the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces began its first anti-war operation, the Battle of Chadong. Rehe was occupied, the Tanggu Agreement was signed, and the eastern part of Chahar was occupied by the Japanese puppet army, and the operations of the anti-Japanese allied forces began here. The anti-Japanese allied forces were highly moraleful, heroic and tenacious, and won successive battles and constantly regained lost ground. In particular, in the battle to retake Duolun, the troops under the command of Ji Hongchang were proactive in combat, constantly adjusting their tactics in the face of the stubborn defense of the Japanese puppet army, and after the fierce battle on July 4-11, they finally regained Duolun. Marked by the victory in the Battle of Duolun, the Allied forces also successfully ended the Battle of Chadong, and Chadong was completely recovered, which was also the first time since the "9.18" that the Chinese army regained lost ground. The victory of the anti-Japanese allied forces greatly lifted the hearts of the people of the whole country; anti-Japanese organizations and patriots in various localities exchanged letters and telegrams and wished for victory one after another; or donated money and materials to support the front; or strongly demanded that Chiang Kai-shek entrust Feng with a heavy responsibility to supply grain and ammunition and recover the four northeastern provinces; and the people saw new hope for the anti-Japanese resistance. The anti-Japanese allies were full of courage and determined to march into the northeast and completely recover all the lost land.

The people are excited, the country has hope, but Chiang Kai-shek's reactionary government is afraid. In its view, Feng Yuxiang's anti-Japanese act was not only a provocation to the policy of "foreign countries must be preceded by internal peace", but also a provocation to his dictatorial rule, although this anti-Japanese act did not directly point to dictatorial rule, but all the people's consciousness and progressive actions were in the eyes of the reactionaries as a threat to his rule. Therefore, at the beginning of the preparations of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, the reactionaries hated it to the bone and did everything they could to undermine it. First, the high-ranking official Houlu seduced Feng Yuxiang, and then he slandered him, slandered the allies, and belittled his anti-Japanese exploits.

After the failure of all these means, the fierce reactionaries mobilized a large army and colluded with the Japanese puppet army to oppress the anti-Japanese allied forces, preparing to carry out military "encirclement and suppression" and suppress them by force; at the same time, they sent spies to disintegrate the allied forces from within, and the generals of the allied forces were either bribed or assassinated, and the people's hearts were panicked and the military's heart was shaken. The allied forces are oppressed by large troops on the outside, and the internal army is unstable, and a large number of wavers appear. At this time, the Communist Party also deviated from the previous correct policy, and under the influence of the "Left" mistakes, put forward some slogans that were not conducive to unity, and aggravated the difficulties of the situation. Faced with this situation, General Feng Yuxiang also fell into a state of bitterness and wandering, feeling that it was difficult to support alone, and it was difficult for the situation to turn around. Finally, in order to avoid civil war and preserve the anti-Japanese forces, he was forced to decide to cancel the title of allied army, return to the cha provincial government, and leave cha with hatred.

Without Feng Yuxiang as the core figure, most of the anti-Japanese allied army immediately collapsed, and the remaining 15,000 people were basically a team under the leadership of the Communist Party, but this team obviously did not get rid of the influence of the "Left" mistake. This team decided to continue to hold high the banner of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, but it was already the end of the Allied forces' crossbows. Under the encirclement and interception of the reactionaries and the Japanese puppet army, coupled with repeated mistakes in their actions, although they fought bravely and constantly shifted, their losses were getting bigger and bigger, and they failed to reverse the situation and achieve the purpose of preserving themselves, and the result ended in complete failure.

Interpretation of the History of World War II Series 22: How Japan Invaded China in Those Years (II)

The Chahar people resisted the allied forces against Japan

The Chahar People's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces failed under the joint strangulation of Chinese and foreign reactionary forces, but the people's indignation and anti-Japanese anger rose up, so new forces stood up, held high the banner of anti-Japanese righteousness, and launched a more fierce challenge to the reactionaries. After the "1.28", the 19th Route Army was transferred from Shanghai to the front line of "suppressing the communists" in Fujian, but the vast number of officers and men became more and more dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek's reactionary policy of "taking care of the outside world before inside the country.". It was precisely at this time that the Communist Party proposed to conclude an anti-Japanese combat agreement with any army in the country under three conditions, including "stopping the attack on the Soviet areas", which was warmly responded to by the vast number of officers and men of the 19th Route Army. They made contact with the Communist Party and concluded the Preliminary Agreement against Chiang Kai-shek and Japan to jointly resist Japanese imperialist aggression.

On November 20, 1933, the generals of the 19th Route Army, together with some anti-Chiang Patriots, openly declared their opposition to Chiang Kai-shek in Fujian under the banner of the "People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China" as their banner. After the establishment of the Fujian People's Government, it put forward politically "overthrowing Japanese imperialism" and "overthrowing Chiang Kai-shek and the Nanjing Government, which betrayed the country and the remnants of the people"; economically advocated "realizing tariff autonomy", "calculating dictation and granting land", "developing national capital and rewarding industrial construction"; and abolishing the appeasement office of "suppressing the communists" militarily and establishing the People's Revolutionary Army. Obviously, this was an even more fierce anti-Japanese banner, and it also appeared on the front line of "suppressing the communists," which undoubtedly shocked the reactionaries.

Chiang Kai-shek adopted a policy of swiftly extinguishing the Fujian People's Government, and he appointed himself commander-in-chief of the "rebel army" and drew 150,000 troops from the front line of "suppressing the communists" and pounced on Fujian. Japanese, American, British, and other imperialist warships also cooperated with the Kuomintang Navy in blocking the Fujian coast. At the same time, as with the Chahar Allied Forces, Chiang Kai-shek used all kinds of insidious means to disintegrate the Fujian People's Government from within. Under Chiang Kai-shek's internal and external attacks, the Fujian People's Government, which had existed for 53 days, failed.

Whether it was the Chahar People's Anti-Japanese Allied Army or the Fujian People's Government in 1933, it did not exist for a long time, but it was only a moment of history, but it was a very dazzling moment. Their spirit of daring to take the road of justice and progress and to challenge the reactionary forces is eternal. Although they have failed, they have shown a correct anti-Japanese road. Their lessons will be inherited and developed by their successors, the Communist Party of China, a more determined anti-Japanese fighter, whose remaining anti-Japanese forces have not been depressed by defeat, but have a strong will, continue to struggle for the anti-Japanese resistance, continue to cooperate with the Communist Party, and truly understand the correct path of China's War of Resistance from this cooperation.

Interpretation of the History of World War II Series 22: How Japan Invaded China in Those Years (II)