
Glory of Kings: The competition in the peak of the new season is becoming more and more fierce, the pocket impact is the first, and the full state of the Dream Team is explosive

The competition for the New Season's Glory Of Kings Is Becoming More and More Intense. We can always see the presence of different anchors. In the past few seasons, although Wei Liang still hit the first place in the peak game, the first place in the peak game always fell into the hands of different players, and Pocket's state this season has become more and more courageous, with the shooter in the peak game.

Glory of Kings: The competition in the peak of the new season is becoming more and more fierce, the pocket impact is the first, and the full state of the Dream Team is explosive

Judging from the current performance, Pocket is expected to take the first place in the peak race after that. And with the blessing of the new version of the equipment, Lai Shen returned to the peak with the old master, and chased after the pocket tightly!

Pocket's current peak score has reached 2599 points, ranking second in the national peak. Pocket shrugged off the third place in the Summit tournament by nearly 60 points, and it would not be long before it was time to win the first place in the Pinnacle. Lai Shen has been a technical anchor in the peak competition after winning the achievement of the hundred-dan confrontation road. This season, with the help of many heroes such as Lao Fuzi and Ma Chao, he has come to the fourth position in the peak race.

Pocket and Lai are the main players in the Dream Team. The most direct impact of their progress is the improvement of the strength of the Dream Team. The Dream Team is the strongest of the anchor teams. Previously, many players were curious about whether they could use a professional coach

team. In the most recent match, the Dream Team beat BO5 3-2

Glory of Kings: The competition in the peak of the new season is becoming more and more fierce, the pocket impact is the first, and the full state of the Dream Team is explosive

KSG team. After colliding with the Edgm team, he hung a hammer and smashed the team.

In the past, many players thought that only under the bo5 game system, we could see the gap between the professional team and the home team. The Dream Team even chose Sun Shangxiang and Wang Zhaojun, with a win rate of 0 in the decider and the KSG team. With the operation of the team and the status of the players, the Dream Team has encroached on the KSG team. After the KSG team lost to the home team, many players also began to think about the recent problems of the KPL league.

Glory of Kings: The competition in the peak of the new season is becoming more and more fierce, the pocket impact is the first, and the full state of the Dream Team is explosive

Many players say that the XYG team is tearing the last fig leaf of the KPL league, after all, the team in group B is known for its chaotic life. However, the XYG team also stumbled all the way to Group A when they were in Group B before. The reason why the XYG team learned to operate is that it continues to learn from the experience of failure in the competition with the A team. From the changes before and after the XYG team, we can also find that there are certain problems in the grouping of the KPL league. Group B doesn't need to think too much about getting out, and the team doesn't need to make too many changes. This grouping is more like a pension for the team, and it does not drive the development of the league. The KPL league has developed so far, and it should be reformed!

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