
From December 23rd, the old love is not over, and the 4 major constellations who have been reunited for a long time have reconciled with their predecessors

Text/Chunyang laughs about culture


Cancer people are very family-loving, everyone thinks that Cancer people are suitable for living at home, plus they are also very good at taking care of people, very gentle and warm. In relationships, Cancer people are very insecure. For those close to them, the more Cancer relies on each other, the more likely it is to lose control of their emotions, because the deep trepidation in their hearts will make them anxious. From December 23rd, the old love is not over, and Cancer, who has been reunited with his predecessor for a long time, will be reconciled with him and will meet for the rest of his life. Cancer people are always nostalgic, and the pain of lost love will only make them more uncomfortable. Therefore, when the old love returns, Cancer will be relieved, and the other person will fall in love again, and be reconciled.

From December 23rd, the old love is not over, and the 4 major constellations who have been reunited for a long time have reconciled with their predecessors


Aries rarely plan their own lives, and for Aries, the unknown life is more interesting, and Aries is more interested in things they have not been exposed to. Aries will not spend time in pity, Aries still has many places not to see, Aries and many people have not met, how can Aries stop and fall in love. When the Aries meets the person who likes freedom as much as he does when he is walking, the Aries sheep is willing to continue to explore with the other party. When the lover wants to be stable, when the lover wants to get married, the Aries is not ready, the unknown dreams of the Aries, the Aries have not yet seen it. Lovers feel that it is okay to get married, but Aries feels that his feelings should not be bound. From December 23rd, when the spring breeze sent lovesickness, the Aries remembered the days with their lovers, the Aries missed the old love, the original scenery of the two people, the scenery is really different. When the Aries knows that the old love is still waiting for itself, the Aries knows that the old love is still expected, the Aries wants to marry the old love, and the Aries does not want to see the scenery alone anymore.

From December 23rd, the old love is not over, and the 4 major constellations who have been reunited for a long time have reconciled with their predecessors


Scorpio always keeps some distance from the people around him, it seems that getting along too close will make Scorpio feel uncomfortable, Scorpio is always vigilant about the people and things around him, it seems that Scorpio's heart is very hard. In fact, Scorpio was also willing to give his trust to the other party, but the result is that Scorpio's trust was used by the other party, Scorpio has been a little more vigilant about feelings since then, but what makes Scorpio distressed is that Scorpio will no longer believe in whose affection, especially feelings, when lovers say what to do, as long as Scorpio can't see it, Scorpio will be suspicious, especially when Scorpio calls, when the other party does not answer, Scorpio's suspicion is even stronger. But Scorpio will not ask the lover what is going on, Scorpio will pretend not to care, to secretly inquire what the lover is doing, Scorpio may ask a common friend, Scorpio or will look at the lover's mobile phone, Scorpio's approach sooner or later lovers will not be able to stand. From December 23rd, Scorpio's old love has become Scorpio's heart disease, from April, Scorpio's old love has become Scorpio's heart disease, even if the memory is still good, that is also Scorpio and old love back to the past, Scorpio does not want to continue to communicate with whom with their doubts in the future feelings. Scorpio also wants to meet the person who can make himself free of doubts, and Scorpio is waiting for his affection to be rescued.

From December 23rd, the old love is not over, and the 4 major constellations who have been reunited for a long time have reconciled with their predecessors


Taurus in love, is a slow heat type, for them, running a relationship is time to precipitate, urgent, this kind of personality of love, in the relationship is pros and cons. The good thing is that falling in love slowly like this will make people feel relaxed and will not let others think that you are not taking this feeling seriously. However, if the Taurus is broken up, then he will be slow to come out, because for them, it takes a long time to fall in love with someone, so long that he loses the opportunity to love the next person, so after a long time, he is still waiting for the other party in the same place. From December 23rd, the frontier is very shallow, the old love is in the bone: Taurus will chase back the ex, reconcile as before, a good marriage will come to taurus again, I hope that after holding hands again, the two can treat this hard-won feeling with their hearts, give each other more care and understanding, so that love can be long-lasting

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