
After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, many treasures were thrown into the wells of the Forbidden City, why did no one go to salvage them

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, whether a lot of jewelry was thrown into the wells of the Forbidden City, no one knows. Historians feel that only jewelry that cannot be taken away can be thrown away, and some jewelry that cannot be taken away will be damaged instead of thrown into the well.

The Forbidden City was built during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the houses are wooden structures, in order to prevent fires, so many wells were drilled in the Forbidden City. So how many wells are there in the Forbidden City? Some people say that there are 72 wells, and those who have been to the Forbidden City may have some understanding of the wells in the Forbidden City, which are very small. If you want people to climb down, it is difficult to climb up again.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, many treasures were thrown into the wells of the Forbidden City, why did no one go to salvage them

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, in the early 1920s, Puyi and other members of the imperial family were allowed to live in the Forbidden City. However, he was ordered to move away a few years later. Before leaving, Puyi took away some of their own treasures that could be taken away, and the historical ramblings had never heard of them throwing treasures into the wells of the Forbidden City.

However, when the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, Cixi did throw some treasures into the wells of the Forbidden City before fleeing to the west. So after the problem comes, people know that there are treasures in the wells of the Forbidden City, so why not salvage them?

First, the well of the Forbidden City is very deep, and the wellhead is very small, which is not good.

The well of the Forbidden City went straight up and down, very deep, and the wellhead was very small, and it was difficult for people to go down. Even if people knew there was a treasure inside, they wouldn't risk their lives to operate it.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, many treasures were thrown into the wells of the Forbidden City, why did no one go to salvage them

And more importantly, whether there are treasures in it or not, how many treasures are not clear, so people will not do some unnecessary things.

Second, the wells of the Forbidden City are interconnected with each other, and the well water flows between them.

There are 72 wells in the Forbidden City, and the wells are interconnected, and even if you know that the treasure is thrown from this well, then the treasure will not necessarily stay there, it will certainly not be fixed in one position, but will move with the flow of water.

Let's put it this way, even if you just throw an object into a well, you may not be able to salvage it immediately, let alone for many years.

Third, there are not only treasures in the wells of the Forbidden City.

We know that when Cixi fled west, she pushed Zhenfei into The Village, and it was not until she returned a year later that she was salvaged from the well and buried.

Moreover, at that time, there were occasionally palace women who could not think of opening, who would jump into the well to find short-sightedness, and there were also palace women who died unjustly. And sometimes some dirty things are poured into the well, such as daily garbage water.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, many treasures were thrown into the wells of the Forbidden City, why did no one go to salvage them

Therefore, the well water in the well in the Forbidden City is very dirty and somewhat obscure, so people are not willing to go to the well to salvage.

Ill-gotten gains, righteous gentlemen do not seek. And those who want to get ill-gotten gains, if they have to pay the price of their lives to get it, they will also give up.

Let's put it this way, the so-called treasure in the Forbidden City well is like the moon in the water, the flower in the mirror, look at it, think about it, and dream. But if you want to put it into practical action, to seek, to catch the moon, to pick flowers, it is bound to be a bamboo basket to hit the water. There are many stars in the sky and bright, coax the child to say to pick one, the child is serious, the eyebrows are open and smiling, if the adult is also serious, it is inevitable to laugh generously.

Even if you defy all odds and really salvage the treasure out of the well, the treasure is not what it was. We know that underwater, in a humid environment, there are microorganisms "working", and the baby will be corroded or even rusted. After many years, it is also possible to disappear. For example, the Titanic, which is sunken on the seabed, has been corroded in a very weak state.

Of course, if you have to salvage, professional divers, salvage teams in the safety and effect of salvage, must be better.

But all the treasures that have been salvaged are national, must be maintained and preserved, and must spend considerable manpower and material resources, so it is better to let it sink under the water and go with nature.

The ideal is very full, the reality is very bone! Let the treasure of the forbidden city well water rest in peace underground.

I am a historian, welcome everyone to like, leave a message, pay attention, thank you.

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