
The "King of Amber" in the industry, who is the true king of the industry| Century Amber Museum


When it comes to nature's hardest gemstones, you may be able to blurt them out — diamonds, but do you know what the lightest gemstones in nature are? That's amber, with a specific gravity of only 1.05-1.08, making it the lightest gemstone in the world. There are many types of amber: honey wax, golden perk, blood perper, flower perper, bright perper, blue perper, green perper, worm perch, golden honey, permea and so on. Among them, blue perper is the most expensive, and because of its rare variety, it is known as the "king of amber" in the industry.

The "King of Amber" in the industry, who is the true king of the industry| Century Amber Museum

Blue Perbel's understanding

Blue perme is a very rare variety of amber, unlike the general amber can only appear one or two color groups, blue perper will change with the light, showing blue, green, yellow, purple, brown and other more than five colors, because of its scarcity and magical discoloration reaction, it is often used in high-end jewelry and art collections in the European and American markets, is the most beloved "Smurf" gemstone in European royal families.

The "King of Amber" in the industry, who is the true king of the industry| Century Amber Museum

Rarity is more expensive, and Mexican blue perpain is sought after

Among the many types of amber, there is no doubt that blue permea is the most valuable amber that everyone recognizes. Blue Perth is not only the first place of origin, the output is scarce, but also has a high quality and unique charm. At present, there are three countries that produce blue perpain, one is the Dominican Republic, one is Mexico, and the other is Myanmar. Today Xiaobian wants to introduce you to the blue perpy that people know very little - Mexican blue perch.

Mexican blue perper is also an extremely precious amber, which is produced in a place called Chiapas in Mexico. Since this place has always been a war-torn area, the production of blue peripher is very low, and because of this, a large number of people have not heard of Mexican blue perch. Mexican blue perper belongs to the blue-green tone, blue can see some greenery, as we all know, the higher quality of the blue perch color will appear a pale yellow, with bright blue light and excellent transparency, and Mexican blue perch is known for its pure color, high transparency, so it has become the darling of collectors and jewelers in various countries.

The "King of Amber" in the industry, who is the true king of the industry| Century Amber Museum

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