
Spurs applied to postpone the league match against Leicester against Rennes, but the Premier League rejected the request

Spurs applied to postpone the league match against Leicester against Rennes, but the Premier League rejected the request

Live Bar December 15, reporter Dan Kilpatrick news, the Premier League rejected Tottenham's application to postpone the match with Leicester City.

According to reporters, Spurs asked for a postponement of the match with Leicester City on the 16th so that the team could complete the final round of the European Cup Group G match with Rennes tomorrow night, after the match was postponed due to the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the Tottenham hotspur team. However, the Premier League rejected the application, and Leicester City also applied for a postponement of the match, but it was also rejected.

According to the original plan, the match between Tottenham Andttenham and Leicester City will be played at 3:30 a.m. Beijing time on the 17th.


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