
Defeat Guoan! The Taishan team will have a clear attitude, respond to the situation of Judsson, and the opponent's main player is suspended

Taishan Evening News Niu Zhiming

On December 15, the pre-match press conference of Shandong Taishan against Beijing Guoan in the Chinese Super League was attended by Taishan coach Hao Wei and player Delgado. Both Hao Wei and Delgado stressed that the goal of this game is to beat Guoan, hoping that the international footballers will be in better shape and can play longer. Guoan main player Li Lei was suspended, Yu Dabao was suspicious of the game, and Bilic also praised the Taishan team.

In the last round of the league, Taishan won 5-0 against Hebei and continued to lead, leading the second place by 5 points. Beijing Guoan beat Guangzhou 1-0 and scored 3 points to reach 27 points, ranking fifth, a nine-point gap away from Taishan. Last season, the two teams met in the knockout stage of the Chinese Super League, and the Taishan team regretted that they were out, and the referee's penalty also became the focus of attention. Now that the two teams have met again, the Taishan team lineup is relatively neat, and Guoan only has a single foreign aid Anderson to play, but after the 6 internationals return to the team, they are in good shape, and their overall strength is still not to be underestimated.

Defeat Guoan! The Taishan team will have a clear attitude, respond to the situation of Judsson, and the opponent's main player is suspended

For the Taishan team, this game to get 3 points, before the game Hao Wei said bluntly when talking about the game: "After two days of adjustment, the team can basically say that the original team is ready for the game, hoping to win this game with Guoan." Delgado said of the game: "We have confidence that we can have a great victory and hopefully we can give our all to win this game. ”

For the adjustment of the state of the national team players, Hao Wei revealed: "For the status of several players in the national team, I feel average, Xiao Jin has completed 70 minutes, and the next two internationals are 30 minutes, I hope that they will play longer and be in better shape." The reporter also mentioned that the state of the Taishan team in the last game was very good, and this game Guoan was not paid attention to in the state, to which Hao Wei said: "The team's state is relatively stable, there will not be too many ups and downs, the last two balls, Wu Xinghan grasped the opportunity well, but his first two balls were not grasped, if the state is good, it is better to grasp." ”

Defeat Guoan! The Taishan team will have a clear attitude, respond to the situation of Judsson, and the opponent's main player is suspended

Last season, the taishan team and Guoan's game was controversial, a reporter mentioned that now that there is a showdown again, is there also some adjustment in the mentality, Hao Wei also said bluntly: "This is not, the game has passed, we are facing a normal game, just need us to maintain a normal mentality to play." As for the situation of foreign aid Jia Desong, Hao Wei revealed: "Jia Desong does have injuries, just recovered, real training, practiced two lessons, this ball to see if it can appear." After that, Hao Wei said again that Guoan is also a good team, and the goal of the Taishan team is to go all out and win the game.

Defeat Guoan! The Taishan team will have a clear attitude, respond to the situation of Judsson, and the opponent's main player is suspended

Guoan coach Bilic said of the way he played against Taishan: "Of course, this opponent is ranked first, gets the most points, is currently the strongest team in the Chinese Super League, the personnel and aggression are very good, their performance is continuous, the personnel is very rich, the foreign aid and the international team are in order, more importantly, their posture is very good, there is a good morale, our whole team is very clear in the face of challenges. In addition, Bilic confirmed that Li Lei was suspended for a yellow card, and whether the injured Yu Dabao could play depended on the situation before the game.

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