
The more frustrated and courageous, the more vicious the dog is the key to becoming a writer

author:Writer's Crown
The more frustrated and courageous, the more vicious the dog is the key to becoming a writer


On this sunny afternoon, I was sitting alone on a balcony in a small town in eastern Hubei. Thoughts are like this river flowing eastward, it is difficult to calm, some are far away from the cold silence of the city, and they receive a kind of awakening and looking back.

The lamp of the heart that was hard to extinguish was rekindled, some burning, some damp and gloomy.

I think, therefore I am. I thought of some of my childhood unhappiness, of a kind of dripping hurt.

The injury was a piece of snow that froze my shuttle, froze all my tranquility. Fortunately, the sun is always after the wind and snow. This is only a little clear, the smoke from the far side, and the poetic fragrance that affects me.

The sunshine of my soul finally came, some texture, some astringency after the charm. Through the trembling, you will be greeted with antique love words, as well as the fragrance of poetry, and the beautiful appearance of being woken up by the sleepy spring light.

I was ten years old. In that barren little mountain village, I was an unfertilized wild mangosteen.

Dry, thin. Hunger and thirst are unbearable, hunger and cold, like sinking into the abyss.

On a bloody morning, I sneaked into a van and came to the Long-Awaited Yangtze River, which was full of pedestrians and singing.

The river water slapped on my teenager's heart, and it was difficult to understand the joy of the majestic. But my dream is that vast mood, forever penetrating and thick.

If one day, there is a small house full of flowers, facing the Yangtze River, spring and warm flowers...


Lie on the embankment, grass for the bed. The river is picturesque and goes all the way to the east. The west mountain opposite is my heavy fullness, some wise people see the wisdom of the thoughts, some are full of hope.

My dream is a gentle flow of affection, my thoughts are all the gradual distance of the joints and the sound range of the river, full of thick and falling red.

Dreams are like false wings, and no matter how beautiful the distance is, it is not as good as a full meal of hunger. The belly is screaming with blood-dripping fullness, imagining the intoxication of a fish-shredded meat, and looking at the magnificent style of a plate of braised pork.

I moved my erratic body to a private room. The master was not there, and the breeze drifted with the power of taste. It was like the luxury of solitude, the clear dyeing of ink that opened up my inflated desires.

I sneaked into the kitchen and took the leftover soup, like a hungry wolf coming down the mountain, poof, poof, beautiful taste...

But at this moment, a wolf dog was like a hungry eagle, tearing at my thigh, and I cried and shouted with blurred flesh and blood, praying and wailing that I could not touch the master Lang who was sneering at the side...

Fortunately, at this time came a little girl with big eyes, who bravely picked up the stick and swept away the wolf dog with blood dripping from its mouth.

I was able to escape the difficulty, tears all over my body, looking back, turning and cold to escape from the sad graveyard. This season is heavy snow, this season is frost, rain and cold...

This unforgettable meat-digging memory made me ring out the frogs that rose up.

I will penetrate the bitter journey of fate and shine a window with the light of wisdom. I want to study well, I want to go to college, I want to buy this land of weeping blood, I want to comfort my humiliated chest...

As a result, those sorrows became the proud bones of the establishment, and the dangerous peaks and cliffs were also turned into a horse flat river.

Years later, with my own efforts, I finally stepped into Wuhan University, a university of higher learning that I have been fascinated by for a long time and emits the fragrance of cherry blossoms------ Wuhan University.

Knowledge is the flag after the dialogue with the wind, frost, rain and snow.

I beckoned to the wind, and I used my stubborn will to learn to save and be firm in the face of harshness.

This experience of being bitten by a dog made me learn to rise up. Let me always remind myself: Standing up is the most beautiful strong! Only by working hard can we get rid of poverty, not be bitten by dogs, and not be bullied.


So the pen became my weapon to fight back. I record the past with a pen and write legends with a pen. The pen is my wing, dancing with the wind. Like crops, it grows happily, not afraid of the cold of winter, not afraid of the heat of the summer.

Many years later, I became a member of the Hubei Writers Association, published more than 4 million words of works in newspapers and periodicals across the country, and earned more than 2 million yuan in writing fees. Published four books, it is very rippling, very affectionate comfort. It is like a swallow holding spring and sowing spring light.

In Wuhan, in Huanggang, in Ezhou, in Tuanfeng, I have my own property. Loneliness and poverty are my rising strengths.

Through a hail of smoke and rain, I finally opened my wings and caught the incense that life gave.

A few years later, I was once again back to the melancholy of the wolfhound's tooth and blood. I took out all the fun and overdraft to buy this boring land...

Receiving faith, my mouth aching, I sang sonorously and powerfully for rebirth.

Since then, behind the Yangtze River, there is a large forest, and behind the forest is a breeding ground where pheasants sing and piglets dance.

The big-eyed girl is a landscape with strong nostalgia, frozen in the arrogance of the morning sun, and grows into the beautiful female farm manager of this breeding farm.

Sitting alone on the balcony, facing the Yangtze River, I read a lot of astringent and bitter after the bright colors.


In the face of the headwind, we must use all our weights to fight tomorrow with the momentum of the eagle hitting the long sky; in the face of the injustice of fate suddenly coming, what else can you do except show superhuman sharpness?

So, I think of the students who live everywhere today, and your present day is really overflowing with pleasure, but you must not turn your yearning into a desolate melancholy.

The quiet water of the Yangtze River, silently flowing with the soul of encouragement, is actually calling in a calm posture: you must learn to be independent, learn to be strong, learn to open the classic bravery under the lone lamp; learn to savor a line of clean light in the bright moon.

Only when the country is strong can the people be rich. The motherland needs a long-standing thought of the students, that is: knowledge can change destiny, the steering wheel of destiny is the pen and book in your hand, definitely not the laughter point and game list of Apple mobile phones...

Sitting alone on the balcony, facing the Yangtze River, I thought of the vicious mad dog that I will never forget, and some of the pain wet eyes.

A mad dog is a doom. An unforgettable pain is the blue light of inspirational progress.

Catch the flickering neon, walk with ourselves, fight against fate, we are a vast distance, we have a belief, an arrogant posture, full of tenacity...

About author:Wang Guan, a member of Hubei Writers Association. He has used more than 20 pen names such as Da gang, Quanzi, and Gang to publish more than 4 million words in newspapers and magazines such as Zhiyin, Family, Poetry Journal, Yangtze River Daily, Modern Family, and People's Literature, and his representative books are "Women of Hanzheng Street", "Very Male and Female", and "I Am a Sinful Son" prose poetry collection "Bathing in Spring Colors".

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