
ZOL Recommendation Awards | Climb Battlefield S5 Esports Console Play Games Awarded

As the leading technology portal for the Chinese Internet, the professional editors of Zhongguancun Online (ZOL) in 2021 have carefully selected the best things to recognize the excellent products of the year. Each selection is the industry's top goods, each nomination represents the "treasure" quality, ZOL Recommendation Award, to help you take fewer detours, directly to the high quality of life.

Climb Battlefield S5 console

As a game console, the performance of the S5 console is very outstanding, equipped with RTX 3060 graphics card, and the online game of "Forever Doom" can also guarantee the frame rate. RTX 3060 graphics card and NVIDIA Highlights, which is convenient for content creation, also supports light chase and DLSS, DLSS can make the impossible possible, so that the Climbing Battlefield S5 host can also play "Forever" under the high-quality 4K resolution.

This ascending battlefield S5 console is very attractive to gamers, the appearance and performance can meet the needs of gamers, while the RTX 3060 graphics card has strong performance and high requirements for games, and users who want to experience high frame rate games are very suitable for this console. Climbing after-sales is also outstanding, offering a 3-year warranty and worry-free after-sales.

Carefully selected, really starting from the quality, Zhongguancun online annual recommendation, 2021 can not miss the purchase reference.


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