
Seeing a doctor first and paying later, "credit medical treatment" allows patients to reduce queuing by 15 minutes

"Before seeing a doctor in the hospital, repeatedly opening bills and paying fees, just queuing up was tired enough, and I was anxious enough to choke." Recently, Ms. Shang, who saw a doctor in Shijingshan Hospital, tried to experience the "credit medical" service, and the model of seeing a doctor first and then paying made the whole medical process much smoother, without repeatedly queuing up to check out, and when she left the hospital after seeing the doctor, she could pay a fee once.

Seeing a doctor first and paying later, "credit medical treatment" allows patients to reduce queuing by 15 minutes

In the outpatient hall of Shijingshan Hospital, 8 "credit medical" self-service all-in-one machines are lined up, and on the screen, functional modules such as "credit registration", "credit number" and "credit payment" are particularly conspicuous. With the help of the medical instructor, from time to time, patients come forward to consult and experience this new service.

"Credit Medical" is an innovative service that improves the medical treatment process and facilitates patients through information means. According to the staff, patients can apply for "credit medical treatment" through WeChat public accounts or on-site self-service machines, and can obtain a credit line of 2,000 yuan through "bank credit" or "insurance credit". With this credit limit, patients can enjoy the "first diagnosis and treatment, later payment" of the whole process of medical treatment, without repeated queuing at the payment window, to achieve "the end of the diagnosis and one swipe of the card and leave the hospital". Online settlement is also very convenient, and Credit Medical supports bank cards, WeChat, and pre-stored value payment methods.

According to reports, the "bank credit" method does not restrict the cardholder's bank card opening bank, which is convenient for patients to seek medical treatment. The "insurance credit" method is that the patient obtains the credit line through the "credit insurance" of the insurance company. According to the current service rules, for patients who have not paid within 48 hours, the bank or insurance company will pay the hospital first, and then recover from the user who owes the fee.

"According to our preliminary calculations, each patient has reduced the queue time in the hospital by about 15 minutes compared to the past." Liu Peng, president of Shijingshan Hospital, said that at present, there are more than 2,000 patients registered for credit medical treatment in the hospital, and more than 500 people have actually experienced the use of "credit medical treatment".

"Credit Medical has allowed patients to spend less time in hospitals and has also reduced the risk of contagion during the pandemic." He said that credit medical treatment is not only suitable for ordinary patients to seek medical treatment, but also especially suitable for medical treatment in emergency situations such as emergency departments.

"By opening up the hospital reconciliation and settlement system and integrating the credit and payment methods of bank insurance, the credit medical settlement platform has actually reshaped the patient treatment process." As the builder of the credit medical platform, He Song, deputy general manager of the Shouxin Medical Federation under beijing state-owned assets company, said that the platform introduced credit payment into the medical settlement business through multi-channel credit granting and optimizing business processes, realizing the innovative medical service model of first diagnosis and treatment and then payment, saving the time of multiple queues in the patient clinic and improving the patient's medical service experience. Next year, we will strive to promote the credit medical model to 10 hospitals.

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