
Memoirs of Youth

author:Dreams are a thousand dreams

I made a lot of mistakes for my youth

And ashamed

I have committed many sins for my life

And shame

But I still want to praise youth

The memory of not withering is that youth is eternal with life

The sorrow that does not dry up is the growth of youth with tears

You love me with your youth, and I love you with my whole life

I can't compensate you for the spring that I consumed on me

I also couldn't compensate myself, from my fault to the sinful originally good soul

Loneliness is also a prison, that's when I got out of prison

There is still no sense of freedom

No woman is willing to accept my past and pursuits

My loneliness is for you who once loved me

I have nothing now anyway

My sadness is for you who are happy and happy now

Even if you are stranger to me now than a stranger

Without love, there is no happiness

The freedom to be unhappy can only be more lonely

After being released from prison, the bigger the outside world, the lonelier it becomes

Between the free world and the earth, how can it be home?

The lonelier you are, the more frightened you become, and the killer's hands cannot wash away the sins of killing

You can also hold a blood-colored rose, the bright red color of the rose

Like blood, it represents a long-dead love

If life could be repeated, I would give up being a killer for money for love

There was nothing wrong with my youth, what was wrong was that I was before I became sinful

There is no choice to be like others, that beautiful love

And sinless survival.

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