
24. The rule of law leads the development of the country's medical and health undertakings

The rule of law leads the development of the country's medical and health undertakings

24. The rule of law leads the development of the country's medical and health undertakings

The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country and the general statute for governing the country and ensuring national security. The Constitution stipulates the fundamental system, basic system, important system of the state, as well as the basic rights and obligations of citizens, and is the general basis for comprehensively ruling the country according to law. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the provisions of our Constitution on medical and health undertakings have played a role in guaranteeing the law in leading the development of the country's medical and health undertakings with the rule of law and continuously improving the health of the people.

On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, our party put the development of medical and health undertakings on an important agenda. In September 1949, the Common Program of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference adopted by the First Plenary Session of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference stipulated: "Promote the cause of health and medicine and pay attention to the protection of the health of mothers, infants and children." After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao Zedong pointed out: "We must regard health, epidemic prevention and general medical work as a major political task, and vigorously develop this work." In August 1950, the First National Health Conference decided to implement the working principle of "facing workers, peasants, and soldiers, giving priority to prevention, uniting Traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and combining health work with mass movements". Article 93 of the 1954 Constitution stipulates: "Workers of the People's Republic of China have the right to material assistance when they are old, sick or incapacitated. The State organizes social insurance, social assistance and mass health services and gradually expands these facilities in order to guarantee workers the enjoyment of this right. "Since then, the state has vigorously developed grass-roots medical and health services, and the national urban and rural health care network has basically taken shape."

The 1982 Constitution made new comprehensive provisions on the health care of our country, in which the concept of "health" appeared 9 times before and after. In March 2004, the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress passed the constitutional amendment. The inclusion of the social security system and human rights principles in the Constitution has promoted the development, improvement, and advancement of the provisions of our Constitution on medical and health undertakings. On March 11, 2018, the first session of the 13th National People's Congress passed the constitutional amendment. This constitutional amendment establishes the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the political and social life of the country, and raises the provisions of the Constitution on medical and health undertakings to a new height.

The ultimate purpose of china's Constitution's provisions on medical and health services is to ensure and improve the people's health level, and the steady improvement of the people's health level is a strong proof of the implementation of the Constitution's medical and health provisions. Looking back and sorting out the development of China's Constitution and medical and health undertakings, the most basic experience is to give full play to the fundamental legal guarantee role of the Constitution, deeply study and understand the provisions of the Constitution on medical and health undertakings in combination with the development of the times, truly grasp the spiritual essence and implement them into action, and continuously promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of the provisions of the Constitution on medical and health undertakings.

(Excerpt from "The Basic Experience of the Communist Party of China in Leading the Cause of Health and Epidemic Prevention")

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Edit || Dong Chao Wan Tao

The duty director || Fan Hongbo

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