
The young Chinese | post-90s coaches have been a veteran of campus football for 8 years: dreams, continued by children!

The young Chinese | post-90s coaches have been a veteran of campus football for 8 years: dreams, continued by children!

At the current stage of the development of campus football, there are two important factors for schools with excellent results, one is the attention of school leaders, and the other is the joining of excellent coaches. Xiyou Primary School is no exception. At present, Xiyou Primary School has two full-time football teachers, who are responsible for men's and women's football training, and a hired football coach is responsible for goalkeeper training. Li Tianyu, 31, is one of two full-time football teachers who is responsible for leading women's football. In 2013, he entered Xiyou School through the "green channel", which was more than 8 years.

Li Tianyu had a dream when he was a child, like to play football, he wanted to enter football school, and then enter the club as a professional player. Like every kid who loves to play football, he dreams of wearing a national team jersey and playing for the country. "The ideal is very full, the reality is very bone." Life is cruel. After graduating from college, he began working, and his childhood football dreams could only exist on the field.

In addition to playing wild ball, Li Tianyu will work part-time as a coach on weekends. This part-time job soon brought him opportunities. In March 2013, Li Tianyu came to Xiyou Primary School as a football coach through external employment. With his love and seriousness for his work, Li Tianyu was quickly affirmed and valued by the school. In 2015, after asking the superiors for instructions from Xiyou School, Li Tianyu passed the "Green Channel" exam and became the official teacher of Xiyou Primary School, responsible for football training and competition.

"As a teacher, the responsibility is different. When I was part-time, I came over to take the children to soccer training and go home when I was done. But now that I'm a teacher, my responsibility is even greater. I feel that since Principal Zhang Yun trusted me so much and won this quota for me, I can't live up to her trust in me. Li Tianyu said.

The young Chinese | post-90s coaches have been a veteran of campus football for 8 years: dreams, continued by children!

Xiyou Primary School is in Hefei Economic Development District, while Li Tianyu's family lives in Yaohai District, a round trip of 40 kilometers. Li Tianyu gets up at 5:30 every day, and the women's football team he is responsible for is 8:30 at the end of training every day, and it is close to 10 o'clock when he returns home. In addition to leading football classes and varsity training, Li Tianyu has more than ten physical education classes every week. Therefore, Li Tianyu's time is always full.

"Full-time means all year round, no matter the wind or rain, the school playground will definitely have their presence." Their enthusiasm for football, I have a deep feeling, our school can have such a football teacher, I am very satisfied. Principal Zhang Yun said.

There are currently three levels of soccer at Xiyou Elementary School, interest classes, echelons and school teams. Interest classes are currently taught by coaches appointed by third-party institutions, mainly for basic techniques and cultivating interests, while the echelon and school teams are responsible for two professional football teachers. The school team of Xiyou Primary School is from the second grade to the sixth grade, and there are currently 52 students in the school team. There are only four classes in the fifth and sixth grades of Xiyou Primary School, which is not a large number of students, but the results of these two grade groups are not bad in Hefei.

In addition to the late end of the training, the training frequency of Xiyou Primary School is also very high, nine times a week. Every Monday through Friday afternoon, students train in two batches from 5:30 to 8:30. On weekends, it is necessary to train in the morning and afternoon of both days. "Stupid birds fly first, I think training is very important, the time and effect of training are achieved, and the results of the competition will not be bad." Li Tianyu said. In the U10 and U12 leagues held by the Hefei Football Association this time, Xiyou Primary School has three teams (including women's teams) participating, and they are currently ranked first in the group.

The young Chinese | post-90s coaches have been a veteran of campus football for 8 years: dreams, continued by children!

Years ago, there was a saying on the Internet that the post-90s generation was the Beat generation. As a post-90s, it is not easy to be able to persist on campus for 8 years. In this regard, Li Tianyu has his own views: "I once wanted to become a professional athlete to fight for the country. Unfortunately, I didn't fulfill my dream. Campus football can keep my dreams going. If they succeed, I'm proud of that too. It's nice to be able to stick with it, with a love of football, to be able to associate your hobby with your work. ”

In June 2019, Li Tianyu and 56 other outstanding campus football teachers from all over the country traveled to Swansea City to learn advanced football concepts in Europe. In england, they went to the Swansea Club and also to Swansea University. Each lesson takes a combination of practice and theory. "The football atmosphere over there is very good, the children are mainly happy football when they are young, and the parents also support their children to play football."

"I was blown away by the football atmosphere there, the games we watched were not the top league, but they were packed, and three generations of grandchildren came together to watch the games. After returning to China, I also thought of combining the knowledge I learned abroad with the actual situation of our school to formulate a development plan that was in line with our school. Li Tianyu said.

Li Tianyu is now an AFC C-level coach. Li Tianyu, who received his D-level coaching certificate in 2017, had the opportunity to become a C-level coach in 2019. However, due to studying abroad, Li Tianyu missed the coaching class of that year. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world. It was not until 2021 that Li Tianyu received a C-level coach certificate.

The young Chinese | post-90s coaches have been a veteran of campus football for 8 years: dreams, continued by children!

After so many years of working in the position of campus football coach, Li Tianyu has had joy and sorrow. Whenever his team gets good results, Li Tianyu is always very happy, he and another coach will invite the children to a big meal, and will reward the children. "Some of the students I brought were admitted to the university, and some of them entered the professional team, and when they came back to see me, they would also help me take classes and guide the students, such a virtuous circle is what I am most happy to see." At this time, it was the time when Li Tianyu was most moved.

Last weekend, Li Tianyu's three teams competed in the Hefei U series. "I just finished playing with a team, I was taking out my mobile phone to order takeout, and a parent of a student brought me a meal, at that time, you don't know, my heart was particularly warm." Whenever this happened, Li Tianyu felt that everything he had paid was worth it.

Of course, there are also times of pity, "A girl in the team, practicing well." Parents are afraid of delaying learning, and a message says that if they don't practice, they won't practice. There are a lot of good seedlings, but the parents do not agree to practice, and we can't help it. But now, thankfully, this is less and less common, and that's what I'm happy about. "Li Tianyu is not afraid of his own suffering, only afraid that the children's dreams will be strangled in the cradle."

At the time of the reporter's interview, the fourth-grade girls' team of Xiyou Primary School was playing a warm-up match with the sixth-grade girls' team of a school in Hefei, and Xiyou Primary School quickly achieved a big lead. The other coach leaned over to Li Tianyu and said, "These children are really good, I envy you." Li Tianyu said: "We have better luck today, in fact, they still need to work harder." ”

The young Chinese | post-90s coaches have been a veteran of campus football for 8 years: dreams, continued by children!

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