
Why did the soldier who charged the battlefield first survive, but the soldier who came later gave the head?

After mankind began to produce civilization, in the torrent of history for thousands of years, war has been an enduring event, and the war between countries has reopened after centuries or even decades, so some people say that "the history of mankind is actually the history of war", war destroys the homeland of mankind on the one hand, and also promotes the progress of human society.

Why did the soldier who charged the battlefield first survive, but the soldier who came later gave the head?

Whether in the TV series or on the real battlefield, in fact, the number of charge positions is very large, especially when it comes to taking an important position, only the soldiers desperately charge to take this "treasure land" can bring more chances of victory to the subsequent war.

However, the heavy casualties of the heavy machine gun of the enemy will inevitably be killed by the heavy machine guns of the enemy, and in general, the soldiers who rush to the front will often die first, in fact, there is almost no difference between giving heads. In the real battlefield, only when the two armies are very close to each other will launch a soldier charge, and the interval between each soldier is large, avoiding a wide range of casualties with a high probability, although it is charging at the enemy, it is not as simple as bowing its head and just "charging forward".

Why did the soldier who charged the battlefield first survive, but the soldier who came later gave the head?

In the real charge, in fact, the first to charge the person will rarely die, because these first chargers are some experienced veterans of the battlefield, the charge they launch are with a strong purpose, and the initial charge of the enemy generally will not react in time, so the first charge, the first charge, the person who takes the lead will not have too many casualties, but after the enemy reacts, the soldiers who charge behind are more likely to die.

Why did the soldier who charged the battlefield first survive, but the soldier who came later gave the head?

Of course, this is only a certain situation of charge action, if it is a street battle, whether it is a soldier who charges first or a soldier who charges back, he will be ruthlessly "cared for" by the enemy's bullets, because in the street battle, the attention of the soldier has always been on the other soldier, as long as you show your head slightly, various types of firearms will greet your head and body.

Why did the soldier who charged the battlefield first survive, but the soldier who came later gave the head?

Some people will wonder why their own bullets do not hit their comrades after launching a charge. This is because the soldiers who cover the fire and the soldiers who launch the charge will hardly be in a horizontal line, and the direction of the charge will generally not advance in the direction of shooting directly at the comrades.

Moreover, the heavy machine guns of the comrades will not be placed behind the stormtroopers, some choose a higher ground, and some have a curved interval with the charging soldiers, so the bullets of their own families will not hit their own families.

In addition, some of the soldiers who launched the charge have already controlled the situation of the war, and some small battles have almost given up resistance because of the success of the surprise attack, and at this time, the soldiers who charge and take the lead will not be attacked by the enemy, because the enemy is still thinking about how to survive under our familiar hands.

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