
Shanghai Ming Tomb 11.Tomb of Xu Mian, Lieutenant Colonel Zhaoxin

11. Tomb of Lieutenant Xu Mian of Zhaoxin

Located near the Tanjiazhai and Caojiazhai breeding plants in Wusong Township Construction Village, Baoshan District, it was found to be cleaned up in 1980 and has been destroyed. The shape of the tomb is a tomb three-hole glutinous rice pulp triad poured brick chamber coupon top tomb, north-south, 2.3 meters long and 3.3 meters wide. Wooden coffin. The bottom of the tomb is 1.6 meters deep from the ground. Unearthed 1 set of Tin Ming ware, which has decayed; 1 square of wooden land coupons, the Zhushu text is long and unclear; the tombstone of Xu Mian in the nineteenth year of Chenghua (1483) is 1, square, and the side length is 51 cm. Cover the seal book "Tomb of Zhaoxin Colonel Xu Gong". The Book of the Bottom (Ezv. 14:1, 2).

Shanghai Ming Tomb 11.Tomb of Xu Mian, Lieutenant Colonel Zhaoxin
Shanghai Ming Tomb 11.Tomb of Xu Mian, Lieutenant Colonel Zhaoxin
Shanghai Ming Tomb 11.Tomb of Xu Mian, Lieutenant Colonel Zhaoxin
Shanghai Ming Tomb 11.Tomb of Xu Mian, Lieutenant Colonel Zhaoxin

Shanghai Ming Tomb

Chronological tombs

Excerpt from "Shanghai Ming Tomb", published by Cultural Relics Publishing House in 2009