
Hero of the East Sea: Joined the Party at the age of 16, and was killed by the Japanese Kou after being tortured by steel bars and electric chairs at the age of 19

In the home of a family surnamed Yang at the head of Wencai Bridge in the east gate of Dinghai County, there is a fourteen- or five-year-old girl, who looks beautiful and is strong and flexible. Every morning, she swept the floor, chopped firewood, cooked rice, washed clothes, and was busy, more diligent than adults. After eating, as soon as I took my bag, I ran to school. At night, I came home from school, busied myself with work, opened my bag to review my homework, and went to bed late at night. Comrade Wu Guanyu, an underground party member who had newly moved to live next door to her house, saw that she had endless errands every day, and her clothes were worn out, like a little maid; she saw that she was carrying a school bag to school every day, and she was actually about to finish high school, and it seemed that she was a lady of this family again. Wu Guanyu couldn't figure out what the identity of this little girl was, but became interested in her.

Wu Guanyu was good at doing mass work, because her nickname was Ah Mao, and the women around her affectionately called her Sister Ah Mao. After a while, Sister Amao finally learned the true identity and origin of this little girl. It turned out that this little girl's name was Yang Jingjuan, and her nickname was Ah Hua. According to the neighbor's old lady, Ah Hua's life is not good, her temperament is heavy, her father died at the age of five, she lost her mother at the age of seven, she has no eldest brother and weak brother, and her sister dies of bone tuberculosis and becomes an orphan. Because her parents left a property, her aunt adopted her, put her face to let her go to school, but at home she was completely a servant and often cursed her. Ah Hua's personality is stubborn, her aunt scolds, she resists, the more fierce the scolding, the stronger the top. After the Japanese occupation of Zhoushan, after the school closed, she dropped out of school at home, her thoughts were sullen, her aunt's work was getting heavier and heavier, and the number of quarrels was getting more and more frequent.

With the continuous development of the anti-Japanese situation, it is necessary to recruit more revolutionary youth to join the anti-Japanese contingent. Comrade Wu Guanyu felt that Ah Hua, a little girl, had a culture and a strong personality, and that the living environment had prompted her to be precocious and a training object, so he took the initiative to approach her. Jing Juan saw that Amao's mother was kind and kind, not like her aunt who kept her face all day long, so she was also willing to talk to her. When the housework was done, he squatted in her house and sometimes slept with her at night. She also talked about many truths about resisting Japan and saving the country, and also gave Jingjuan several well-hidden magazines of "Zhejiang Chao" and "Soviet Women" and told her to read them well.

Hero of the East Sea: Joined the Party at the age of 16, and was killed by the Japanese Kou after being tortured by steel bars and electric chairs at the age of 19

With the help and guidance of Amaomu's mother, Jingjuan made rapid progress and gradually understood the truth of life. Once, she told Guanyu: "Amom Mom, I kind of understand: why do you want to be a person, what kind of person you want to be." Guanyu saw that this little girl was growing so fast, and she held her hand tightly, how unwilling to let go. In Jingjuan's mind, Amom's mother is a good teacher in political ideology and a mother who loves herself in life.

After the fall of Dinghai in June 1939, the Japanese Kou built bunkers and roads on the main island of Zhoushan, and exercised tight control and cruel rule. The anti-Japanese salvation movement led by our Party continued to develop under extremely difficult conditions. In the second half of the year, the party organization decided that Comrade Yang Zhixing of the county working committee would be responsible for carrying out work in the urban area. After that, comrade Wu Guanyu launched a collusion with the women's masses and organized a "women's anti-Japanese forum" in Dinghai City, under the eyes of the Japanese Kou. The number of participants in the symposium ranged from small to large, and later increased to more than twenty. Inspired by Amao's mother, Yang Jingjuan was the first to participate in the women's anti-Japanese forum, and they gathered once a week at Wu Guanyu's home.

Slowly, Jingjuan became the backbone of this symposium and threw herself into the struggle to resist Japan and save the dead. Together with the comrades of the symposium, she went alone to connect with the masses of women and do their ideological work, and set up a women's literacy class attended by forty or fifty people. This literacy class was an important position for propagating the anti-Japanese struggle and carrying out women's work, and they went to various places in groups of two and three in teams to carry out propaganda. Because of her outstanding performance, she made rapid progress and gloriously joined the Communist Party of China in November 1939. At this time, she was only sixteen years old, the youngest female party member in the region.

Hero of the East Sea: Joined the Party at the age of 16, and was killed by the Japanese Kou after being tortured by steel bars and electric chairs at the age of 19

In January of the following year, in order to strengthen the party's leading force in the anti-Japanese guerrilla base area in the eastern district of Dinghai, the underground party decided to transfer some cadres from Chengguan to go there. Yang Jingjuan, Chen Ming, Wu Shuying and other comrades actively signed up, so Yang Jingjuan was installed as a teacher at Baiquan Hou'ao Primary School. She uses her legal capacity to carry out her activities. During the day, she taught classes conscientiously and was a rural female teacher who was deeply loved by the masses; after class and at night, she often went to the east and west homes to mobilize peasants to organize peasant associations, carry out propaganda activities, and mobilize the masses to rise up against Japan. At that time, the organ of the Dinghai County Working Committee of the CPC was located in Hou'ao. She acted in such an open-air manner, and the comrades were worried about her safety, and she listened to the persuasion of the comrades, smiled and said: "There is nothing personal sacrifice, as long as the organization is safe." Soon, because the activities of the centrist party of the primary school teachers attracted the attention of the enemy, the party asked her to leave the school to join the county political work team. The political work brigade is nominally led by the Kuomintang, but in fact it is directly controlled by our Party.

In the first half of 1940, Yang Jingjuan and seven or eight other members of the political work team, led by Comrade Qian Mingqi, followed the instructions of the party and came from Dongxiang to Ziwei Township in Dinghai West District to open up work. The mass base and working conditions here are much worse than in the Eastern District, but as soon as they arrive in this township, they go door to door to visit the homes of the masses. Every time she went to a house, Comrade Yang Jingjuan was like an acquaintance with women, understanding their suffering and exposing the atrocities of the Japanese Kou. The women all liked this warm and kind girl and affectionately called her "Teacher Xiao Yang". When she saw some women tremble with fright when they heard the "sweeping" of the Japanese Kou, she encouraged them: "The Japanese Kou are beasts without humanity, and it is useless to be afraid and ask for forgiveness." The only way to deal with them is to fight together. ”

Soon, Comrade Qian Mingqi left Ziwei Township due to the needs of work, and the leadership burden of the entire political work team in the western district fell on Yang Jingjuan. In accordance with the instructions of the Party, she led the political work team in a tit-for-tat struggle against the enemy. When the Japanese Kou apportioned harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes, they mobilized the masses to resist grain and taxes, causing the enemy to run into walls everywhere; when the Japanese Kolaf built roads, they mixed with the masses, propagated and instigated on the road construction sites, squawed work strikes, and disrupted the enemy's deployment; when the enemy engaged in "clearing the countryside" and "sweeping up the land," they cooperated with the anti-Japanese armed forces to strike hard at the enemy. In order to arouse the peasants' enthusiasm for resisting Japan, they also mobilized the masses to reduce rents and interest rates. Just when the anti-Japanese fire began to burn in Ziwei Township, Comrade Yang Jingjuan was unfortunately arrested by the enemy.

On this day, Comrade Yang Jingjuan lived in a school in Huanghe'an. Late at night, she was still transcribed and sorting out documents, and a dog bark of "wang..." made her immediately alert, and then the footsteps of "clicking..." came from far and near. There is a situation! It is possible that Koan is already surrounded by enemies. She quickly rolled up the documents, went to the back room without windows, drew a match, and lit the document. Just after burning the last piece of paper, there was a "whoosh" sound, the back door was kicked open, and the leader who broke in was the minions of the traitor Wu Zhimu- the pseudo-police station special agent section chief Bi Ji.

Hero of the East Sea: Joined the Party at the age of 16, and was killed by the Japanese Kou after being tortured by steel bars and electric chairs at the age of 19

"Aha, are you Yang Jingjuan?" Bi Ji couldn't believe that the female Communist Party member sent by his superiors to hunt him down was actually an elegant and beautiful little girl. He stayed for half a moment before he said, "Miss Yang, you have been arrested." Yang Jingjuan did not look at this dog agent, raised her head demurely, calmly cut her hair, and said, "Go!" He took a big step forward for Huang Helong.

Rikou threw Yang Jingjuan into prison. They mistakenly thought she was young and deceitful, and they were full of hope that they would take out of her mouth the activities of the Communist Party of Rwanda and the Political Workers' Brigade, and then come to catch it one by one.

In the first few days, Wu Zhimu sent people to deliver milk and snacks every day, and took Yang Jingjuan as a child. Yang Jingjuan spilled the milk, threw the cake far away, and sternly said to the little traitor who sent something: "Go back and tell your master that the girl does not eat stinky food!" ”

After the great traitor Wu Zhimu failed to seduce him, the Japanese commander Miyazato personally went out on horseback. He was a short, fat man with a narrow brain and a wide chin, speaking blunt Chinese: "Where is the Communist Party and the Political Work Corps?" How many people? You said! ”

"There are anti-Japanese troops everywhere!" Yang Jingjuan answered simply, clearly and loudly.

Nakatsu narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Okay, your great good!" Your list of communists and political work teams said, the imperial army is a great reward, a good blessing! ”

Yang Jingjuan said loudly: "Don't dream, tell me to betray the motherland and betray my compatriots, I can't do it!" ”

Nakatsu stood up and walked over with a thousand on his back, his small round eyes flashing with a green glow, as if he wanted to devour the girl standing in front of him. He suddenly "hehe" slyly laughed: "Miss Yang, you are too young and too beautiful, what a pity to die like this!" Turning around, he shouted, "Come on, please Miss Yang rest well." The plainclothes agent standing next to him immediately understood and took Yang Jingjuan to a secluded single room.

The next morning, Yang Jingjuan stood up and looked out at the rising sun outside the iron window, guessing the reason why the enemy "treated" her favorably, and considering how to deal with the enemy's new conspiracy. Wu Zhimu, a traitor, came to the prison, followed by two puppet soldiers, one holding a plate of pastries and fruits, and the other holding a stack of satin dresses. The big traitor bowed and said with a smile: "Congratulations Miss Yang, Commander Zhongjin loves you very much, and specially sent his brother to send a thin gift." ”

Yang Jingjuan had never suffered such an insult in her life, and suddenly the blood rushed to the top of her head, her lungs exploded, and she "snapped" a sound, so that she had enough strength to give Wu Zhimu a slap, and angrily stared at her eyes and scolded: "Oh, the dog wags its tail and does not look at people!" Tell Nakatsu not to daydream! The three enemies walked away in ashes.

After listening to Wu Zhimu's report, Nakatsu was angry and annoyed, and cried out loudly: "Yours, give me torture!" I don't believe that such a girl would not be afraid of death. ”

Hero of the East Sea: Joined the Party at the age of 16, and was killed by the Japanese Kou after being tortured by steel bars and electric chairs at the age of 19

The secret agent immediately put Yang Jingjuan to the door of the execution room, and she quickly scanned the execution room, wasn't this the eighteen-story hell that she heard the elderly say when she was a child? The vicious-looking and vicious thugs work like minotaurs; tiger stools, electric chairs, and reddened steel bars are like mountains of knives and oil pots; and the tortured "prisoners" are the unjust ghosts in the Yan Luo Temple. The thug shouted, "Get in!" "Kick a few kicks and knock this petite body to the ground." The enemy wanted to give Yang Jingjuan a chance to get off the horse, how could they understand the special spiritual qualities and psychology of the revolutionary fighters. Yang Jingjuan not only did not fear, but aroused full of anger, she raised her head and walked into the execution room, ready to withstand all tests.

The enemy put her on a tiger stool, and at her feet were covered with green bricks—piece by piece, and the bones of her feet made a cracking sound, and her knees were dislocated, and the girl passed out. The enemy woke her up with cold water and forced her to ask, "Where are the Communist Party and the political work team? ”

Yang Jingjuan made a voice in her teeth: "I said it earlier, there are everywhere!" ”

The beasts poured pepper water again, burned red steel bars, and finally used electric chairs to torture a good girl to the point of blurring flesh and blood. But the girl's will was stronger. The corners of her mouth were bleeding, and she didn't even open her eyes yesterday, but she only said one sentence: "There are anti-Japanese teams everywhere..."

All the enemy's tricks have been exhausted, and how can this young girl not be brought to her knees, and the enemy has completely failed.

Late at night on March 8, 1941, it was dark and dinghai city was full of terror. Suddenly, a sharp horn sounded, and a torture car drove out of the prison at the east gate of the city, its headlights like two wolf eyes, shooting at the cannibalistic light. The plane trees on the side of the road trembled in the strong light.

The sound of a sharp horn awakened people who were sleeping dimly. Everyone quietly touched the bed, gently pulled the window door open, and peeped out against the gap, only to see that the black pressure on the execution car was full of human heads, the bayonets and shackles were mixed together and flashed and shiny, and the car could still hear the passionate international song when it turned around. The people shook their heads sadly and touched the bed again. But how can you sleep? The motherland is suffering, and the resistance fighters are shedding blood!

Hero of the East Sea: Joined the Party at the age of 16, and was killed by the Japanese Kou after being tortured by steel bars and electric chairs at the age of 19

The execution vehicle drove to the execution ground at the east mountain head of The Great Ocean Ao outside the East Gate. Before the massacre, the enemy carried out the final confession according to the custom, raised his staff, and once again whipped the revolutionary volunteers. Yang Jingjuan and the other thirteen resisters, none of whom feared the vicious enemy, surrendered to the enemy. The sound of gunfire was followed by the slogan "Down with Japanese imperialism," Xia Jifen, Hu Jianfeng, and twelve other volunteers fell down one after another, and Yang Jingjuan, the youngest standing at the end of the row, was holding up her chest to meet the evil bullets, and suddenly a shout came from down the hillside: "Leave people under the gun!" With the roar of the wolf, I saw the big traitor Wu Zhimu running up breathlessly. Wu Zhimu conveyed Nakatsu's order to the japanese squad leader who was executing the executioner, and while waving his hand to tell the executioner to temporarily retreat, she stuttered and said to Yang Jingjuan, who was tied with her arms tied behind her back: "Miss Yang, on the orders of Commander Zhongjin, the contemptible people have come to give you a final advice: As long as Miss Yang turns back from the cliff, the commander can not blame the past!" ”

The girl stared angrily at the leper dog, unwilling to speak.

Wu Zhimu mistakenly thought that Yang Jingjuan had changed her mind when she was about to die, and further persuaded: "Miss Yang, it is better to die than to live evilly, you are young, how can you be willing to die?" ”

The girl's eyes shot out a burning flame, and she couldn't help but turn her head and scold loudly: "Traitor, slave, do you want to live as a japanese lackey?" If you live for a short time, the resistance against Japan will be victorious, and the evil dogs will be punished. I am a human being, I am a Chinese, I will never betray the people of the motherland, I will stand and die! Then he shouted, "Down with Japanese imperialism!" Bring down the traitorous lackeys! - "This is the iron oath of the Communists, this is the verdict pronounced by the Chinese people against the Japanese aggressors." How clear, loud and powerful is this sound! This is the strongest sound of a revolutionary fighter bursting out of his life! Resounding throughout the land of Shenzhou! This sound accompanied the waves of the East China Sea and spread all over the continents and the seas!

Hero of the East Sea: Joined the Party at the age of 16, and was killed by the Japanese Kou after being tortured by steel bars and electric chairs at the age of 19

When the gun rang out, Comrade Yang Jingjuan, an eighteen-year-old Communist Party member, collapsed in a pool of blood and sacrificed her young and precious life for the motherland and the people.

After liberation, in order to commemorate this anti-Japanese heroine, zhoushan youth donated money to build a stone statue of Yang Jingjuan martyr in the Zhoushan Martyrs Cemetery.

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