
Pierce suggested to James that he should give up some of the ball like Jordan Kobe Bryant got older!

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Pierce suggested to James that he should give up some of the ball like Jordan Kobe Bryant got older!

James won the title of Last Week's Western Conference Player of the Week on December 14, which is the second time after 20 months that the Lakers have had the best player of the week, and the last Lakers player of the week was also James. James is also the only player in history to have achieved the best of the week in his 19th season, not only in the game against the Magic, but also in the past week, and in the past ten games.

But despite James' record of the week's best and playing an average that only Jordan could come close to in the same period, there were still basketball players who were not convinced. The most active is, of course, the first James, who briefly abandoned James because of his low attendance and targeted Curry. However, when James continued to erupt, Baylors returned to his old business, abandoning Curry and continuing to target James.

Pierce, another Celtic who targeted James' basketball player, did not slander James as nonsensically as Baylors did. After all, Pierce is no longer a commentator, and he can speak more truthfully. Pierce has previously revealed that his views on ESPN are all about program effects, whether he blows or black James, just for entertainment. Now that Pierce is unemployed, his views are more representative of him.

Pierce has said that he respects James, but it may be because he still has a prejudice against James, and he still has some problems evaluating James and the NBA. For example, on December 14, Pierce updated his evaluation of James on social media, such as Jordan and Kobe Bryant. That's fine, but Pierce's evaluation of james, Jordan, and Bryant's three superheroes, and his use of Jordan and Kobe's play to suggest James's point of view, is ironic.

Pierce suggested james that he should give up some of the ball like Jordan Kobe Bryant got older! Pierce specifically put it this way: As James gets older, he is more likely to be in the lower positions. Jordan and Bryant both transitioned at the end of their careers — when players get older, he needs to give up some of the ball. Pierce believes that James should also be like Jordan and Kobe Bryant when he gets older, holding less of the ball.

Pierce's advice is particularly outrageous, making two common sense mistakes. First, James is more in the lows. In fact, whether watching the game or through data analysis, it is clear that James' three-point shooting percentage is a career high. He either shoots three-pointers, plays mid-range, or pins down defensive back-pass assists, reduces attacks to the basket, and he can't possibly add back and low.

The second is even more outrageous: James wants to give up some of the ball like Jordan and Kobe Bryant? Jordan and Kobe Bryant are known for their love of shooting, and they can't give up the ball, even if they get older. For example, Jeremy Lin revealed that when Kobe Bryant was on the same team with him before retiring, although he had fallen off the altar, he was still eager to prove that he was the first person in the league, so he would shoot dozens of times, but it had no effect. Jordan is the same reason, his monopoly on the Wizards has caused serious dissatisfaction throughout the Wizards, from the dressing room to the management.

James, by contrast, has never been a player who needs to monopolize all the balls, he likes to share, and he is good at not having the ball. With Schroder or Westbrook, James increased the no-ball ratio, and the effect was equally outstanding. So after Pierce said james was going to give up some of the ball like Jordan and Kobe, some fans taunted him: It's the biggest joke I've ever heard.

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