
Blizzard Game Pet Season is coming Blizzard Pet Cosplay Contest Registration Opens!

Blizzard Game Pet Season is coming Blizzard Pet Cosplay Contest Registration Opens!

Raise a pet for a thousand days, use the pet for a while! Blizzard Game Pet Season is here, from now on December 29, the first Blizzard Pet Cosplay Contest registration opens, let your cats, dogs and dogs (or other pets) win great rewards and special glory for you and yourself!

Active time


How to participate

In the Weibo Blizzard game super talk, with tag #Blizzard Cute Pet Season# posting pet cos maps related to Blizzard games, it is considered to participate in the activity. No need to worry about not being professional enough, welcome all kinds of brain-opening soul cos!

Blizzard Game Pet Season is coming Blizzard Pet Cosplay Contest Registration Opens!

Introduction to Rewards

Under the topic of Weibo #Blizzard Pet Season, all works will be aggregated for selection, and the rewards include cash and physical pet peripherals.

Players participating in the contest can participate in each Blizzard game under the super talk, and receive up to one prize, the rewards are not stackable, and the highest prize is up to the highest prize.

Blizzard Game Pet Season is coming Blizzard Pet Cosplay Contest Registration Opens!

Jury lineup

Blizzard Game Pet Season is coming Blizzard Pet Cosplay Contest Registration Opens!


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