
Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

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Do you know what cultural relics are in Xianning?

Do you know the story behind the artifacts?

Xianning inherits the Culture of Zhou Chu on the top and the Wuyue Culture on the lower

There are 8 national key cultural relics protection units in the territory

There are 47 provincial protection units

How to let more young people understand the history of Xianning

Inheriting the Chinese context?

How to make The cultural relics of Xianning "out of the circle"?

The local picture book "Man Say Xianbo" has made an exploration

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

The "debut" of the cultural fair has countless fans

On November 26-28, the first China (Wuhan) Cultural Tourism Expo was held in Han.

Among the many exhibits, the cultural relics picture book "Comic Xianbo" quickly became popular with exhibitors with exquisite binding and rich and interesting content.

"Xianning has a deep cultural heritage, and you can learn a little bit about it from this book."

"The original bookmarks are also very exquisite, and I feel the full heart of the Xianning Museum."

"The cultural relics have become so cute that children can't put it down as soon as they open the book."

The exhibitors who came and went were "circled with fans", excitedly "took photos" with it, and also consulted the purchase channels.

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

According to the staff of Xianning Museum, at present, this book has been listed in Xianning City Library and various Xiangcheng study rooms in Xianning City, and plans to donate part to Hubei Provincial Library, which will be used as a public welfare book for public reading. In addition, in the hall on the first floor of the Xianning Museum, a "reading corner" has been specially opened for the citizens, and the book is also displayed on the shelves for visitors to read.

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

"The book "Xian Bo" introduces 'Xian Bo' in a lively style, and at the same time jumps out of 'Xian Bo', thus expanding the scope of this book. Set of knowledge, fun, scientific, readable in one, is a suitable for young and old popular science books. Ai Guosong, former professor and vice president of the Party School of the Xianning Municipal Party Committee, commented after reading.

The author of "Little White" brought the relics to life

"Man Shuo Xian Bo" belongs to popular science books, the target groups are mainly children and teenagers, picture books are composed of three parts of the content, respectively, with the titles of "Stone Light", "Copper Fun" and "Porcelain Language", introducing some representative cultural relics collected by the Xianning Museum.

In order to enhance the fun, it is also interspersed with interactive small columns such as "Xianbo Small Classroom" and "Rising Knowledge".

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

Soft and cute giant pandas, mysterious bronze mirrors, domineering bows and crossbows... These cute, delicate, or rugged hand-drawn images are all from the hands of one person, Wei Yang. He is both the creator of the book and the staff of the Xianning Museum.

In 2015, Wei Yang entered the city museum. Before that, he had not professionally studied the relevant knowledge of cultural relics and archaeology, and was a real "little white".

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

How can we better integrate into the museum family and better be competent for the work in the museum? He is always thinking, learning and exploring.

He found that if he wants to narrow the distance between cultural relics and people, it is necessary to show the "lively and cute" side of cultural relics and make cultural relics become warm. So in his spare time, he bought a tablet computer out of his own pocket, taught himself hand-drawn related courses, and created hand-painted cultural relics. And through the reference to relevant literature, flipping through the books written by authoritative figures, listening to and watching cultural programs such as "National Treasures" and "National Treasure Archives", we supplement professional knowledge.

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

When creating the ninth episode of the second chapter, "Copper Mirror", in order to interpret in more detail a copper mirror called the "Eight Bird Mirror of Rules" in the Eastern Han Dynasty, he repeatedly studied the literary and historical materials related to the decoration of the copper mirror and the Chinese characters, and finally compiled the ancient inscription above the mirror and presented it to the reader, and strived to ensure the scientific and professional nature of the content conveyed.

After nearly a year of hard work, this 164-page hand-painted cultural relics story "Man Said Xianbo" was finally successfully published.

Cultural creation of a new and cute city

In fact, "Man Say XianBo" is not the first attempt of the Xianning Museum in cultural creation.

As early as two years ago, the Xianning Museum has successively launched the hand-painted works of cultural relics of "Man Said Xianbo" on its public account. A series of online original comics such as "Xianbo Volunteers in the Epidemic", "National Treasures Talk about National Treasures", "Cultural And Expo Stall Illustrated Book", and "Eight Hundred Prequels" introduce Xianning's "national treasures" in the form that young people like nowadays.

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

Its self-designed "Xianbo Mengbao" official WeChat emoji is also very popular.

Allowing more young people to understand their own culture is the premise for the sustainable inheritance of culture.

"Today I take my children to museums, and when they grow up, they will take their children to museums everywhere, so that culture and traditions can be passed on well." "Talking About Xianbo" wrote in a message to readers.

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

The words museum are easy to leave a thick and stereotyped impression. In order to change this inherent thinking, eliminate the sense of distance between the museum and the public, and let more people know the history and diversify the long-standing culture, the Xianning Museum has been looking for innovative ways.

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

"The original intention of creating the picture book of "Man Say Xian Bo" is actually very simple, that is, to make more people willing to make friends with 'Xian Bo'." The cultural relics introduced in this book are only the "tip of the iceberg", Wei Yang said, during the work, he found that in fact, the archaeological process is also a very interesting thing, Xianning folklore, ancient bridges and ancient yan ancient houses are exuding extraordinary charm, in the future he also hopes to spread more knowledge about the museum, about the culture of Xianning, through the cultural relics picture book such as easy to be accepted by young people by the public in the form of records spread.

Cute! Is this still the Xianning cultural relics you know?

All-media reporter: Ding Wanying

Editor: Zhou Xuan

Producer: Xiang Dongning

Producer: New Media Center

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