
DNF: 2 people can also pass Ozma! 0 dead 0 milk 0 assist, this is the real big guy

At the end of the version, Ozma has gradually become a pig farm, and many big guys have begun to pass different ideas, such as no milk, 12 of the same class pass, etc., which further show the style of the big guys, but recently there have been 2 higher-level players, which can only be described as breathtaking, it is too strong!

2 people team up to clear Ozma

DNF: 2 people can also pass Ozma! 0 dead 0 milk 0 assist, this is the real big guy

First of all, look at the equipment creation of these 2 players, all of them are 2.0 Doudi level, and they are also the same professional assassin, in terms of equipment, Maihime Myth with 3 sets, perfect control of shoulder pads + misguided shoes, with a big trance and energy set, double supreme blessing, taking the partial endurance route.

Although the build of these 2 players is very good, objectively speaking, it is not uncommon to have such a warrior, but why are these 2 players shocking?

Because they 2 people teamed up, there is not even an auxiliary bonus, 2 pure C professional team income is very small, and has not yet brought milk, at any time may be seconds, but people are biased is 1 time did not hang up, and then achieved Ozma pass!

DNF: 2 people can also pass Ozma! 0 dead 0 milk 0 assist, this is the real big guy

In the first stage, the two people have a clear division of labor, one person opens the door, one person promotes the bull, and then team up to kill the boss, it takes more time to punch the card, and finally it takes 20 minutes and 27 seconds to pass the first stage;

The second stage needs to start Astros first, the two team up to beat Ozma to the state of locked blood, and then turn the map to kill the left boss, and then the two come back to open the Gua Sha Dafa to kill Ozma (during this period the boss returns a lot of blood, otherwise the time will be shorter), the total time is 20 minutes and 02 seconds!

DNF: 2 people can also pass Ozma! 0 dead 0 milk 0 assist, this is the real big guy

The whole process, can be described by the flow of clouds, the real sigh, in fact, is not how high the damage is, I have seen the rain away, B uncle single skill seconds Ozma, the damage has been immune, but these 2 players, really put the operation skills to the extreme.

Since there is no milk class bonus, not only is the damage very low, but it is also very brittle, and it may be seconds when it is slightly hit twice by the boss, but the magic place is here, Ozma 1/2 stage is added together, the two players only enter the small black room once, in addition, 0 resurrection coins are passed by one life, and even the number of times to take medicine is countless.

DNF: 2 people can also pass Ozma! 0 dead 0 milk 0 assist, this is the real big guy

This is the understanding of the copy mechanism, in fact, speaking of this, I can't help but sigh, the big guy player damage is higher than us, it is completely understandable, after all, people have more kryptonite, but in the case of so much krypton gold, the operation technology is also better than us, which is very admirable, and sure enough, people who are richer than us are still working harder than us.

In the overall clearance process, there are 2 details worth mentioning:

First, the 2 players have adopted the idea of single hanging misguided shoes, the reason is that 2 people must need a strong endurance to pass the customs, and for the endurance copy, the misguided shoes are artifacts, the whole skill has not stopped, according to this logic, it is actually possible to reproduce the clearance process;

DNF: 2 people can also pass Ozma! 0 dead 0 milk 0 assist, this is the real big guy

The other is the combination of the single hanging transformation epic, the head and shoulders have used "perfect control", this equipment has always been spit by players, thinking that it is not easy to play in actual combat, but after the big guy actual combat found that as long as your operation technology is good enough (as little as possible to be beaten), the cost performance of this equipment is still very high. (Change the price of 6 no desire to spend, equal to change 7 perfect control)

The simple heap damage may only be the local tycoon, but there is both damage and technology, this is the real big guy!

DNF: 2 people can also pass Ozma! 0 dead 0 milk 0 assist, this is the real big guy

Personal summary

All along, everyone felt that the root cause of not being able to beat Ozma was that the damage was not enough, but now it seems that most of the reasons why Ozma cannot be beaten are because of insufficient operation.

A very simple explanation is that the two stages of the clearance take 40 minutes, and it takes other players, not to mention the full output of Ozma, that is, to let you stay in Ozmatu for 40 minutes, and the resurrection coins are not enough...

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