
Winter tire maintenance tips| winter traffic safety

According to Weihai Police Online:

With the cold wind, the weather is getting colder, and we have added coats. The car is the same, the weather is getting colder, the car to do a good job of winter inspection and maintenance is also essential, the tire is the only place where the car is in contact with the ground, but also to do a regular inspection and maintenance, then in the winter tires in the end to pay attention to what matters?


Check your tires regularly

The daily maintenance of tires can not be ignored no matter what season, usually we have to regularly check whether the tires have scratches, bulging, tyre tyres and other phenomena, and after finding them, we must repair or replace them in time to avoid running out of gas. At the same time, in winter, it is necessary to often clean up the inclusions in the tire pattern to avoid hard debris left in the tire pattern, resulting in tire damage.


Maintain proper tire pressure

Winter temperature is low, according to the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, the tire pressure of the tire will also change, which requires the owner to check the tire pressure from time to time, and maintain the standard tire pressure range specified in the manual, when the tire pressure is insufficient, it should be replenished in time, do not blindly reduce or increase the tire pressure.

Generally speaking, in winter, the standard air pressure of automobile tires is appropriately adjusted to about 0.2 bar. In the cold car state, the front tire 2.2-2.3 and the rear tire 2.4-2.5 are in the normal range. Some are the opposite, the front tire 2.4-2.5, the rear tire 2.2-2.3, the specific tire pressure marked by each car shall prevail.


Safety wear marks

Tires should be replaced in time according to the wear situation, all tires have wear marks at a pattern depth of 1.6 mm, and where there are wear marks, there is a small boss, this boss is called "tread wear marks", and there is an English abbreviation "TWI" next to the boss. Under the premise of normal use, the tire wear reaches this bulge, indicating that the tire needs to be replaced.

Choose the right snow tires

The pattern of snow tires is different from ordinary tires or one-way tires, with central asymmetry, and common composite patterns, lateral patterns, and block patterns are common. At the same time, the manufacturing process of snow tires is also different from ordinary tires, which is more conducive to enhancing the friction with ice and snow roads, improving driving safety and handling.

It should be noted that snow tires due to the thick tire wall, for the retreaded tires to bring certain convenience, owners in the choice of snow tires do not buy second-hand or retreaded tires, to ensure driving safety.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone

In addition to the above considerations

Safe driving in winter is the most important

Or maintain the right speed

Whether on the ice or in the snow

Still driving on normal roads

Pay attention to controlling the speed of the car

Do not accelerate or brake urgently

In this way, the driving safety can be effectively ensured

Source: Weihai Traffic Police Online

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