
Musk was named Time Magazine's 2021 Person of the Year

Musk was named Time Magazine's 2021 Person of the Year

On December 13, Time magazine announced that Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, was named the 2021 Person of the Year. Time Magazine Person of the Year is the most influential thing in the world for the year selected by Time magazine at the end of each year. The Person of the Year can be selected as an individual, a group, a concept, a place or even a machine, as long as it has had the most far-reaching influence in the past year, whether for good or bad. Time magazine said, "As the richest man in the world, Musk doesn't have a house and has been selling property lately." He puts satellites into orbit and uses solar energy to serve millions of households. He drives a self-made car that requires no gasoline and hardly a driver. With a flick of his finger, the stock market will skyrocket or plummet. Every word he said was put on the lips of a large group of fans. When he took his business global, he dreamed of colonizing Mars."

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