
The U.S. Department of Labor has opened an investigation into the treatment of Apple's employees

According to MacRumors, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Labor told The New York Times on Monday that the Department of Labor has launched an investigation into the treatment of Apple's employees. In recent weeks, Apple employees have criticized workplace misconduct and shared their frustrations, which led to the creation of the "AppleToo" initiative, which calls on Apple executives to address reported abuse, discrimination and harassment by employees.

The U.S. Department of Labor has opened an investigation into the treatment of Apple's employees

The Labor Department did not provide details of who requested an investigation, but The New York Times noted that former Apple employee Ashley Gjovik recently filed a lawsuit. Gjovik claimed that Apple fired her in retaliation for raising workplace-related health issues.

The department declined to say who asked for the investigation or the content of the investigation, but Ashley Gjovik, a former employee who was outspoken about Apple's misconduct, said she had filed a complaint "to make sure Apple knows they can't get away with retaliating against me." I exercise my federal and state protection rights. ”

Gjovik received a letter last week from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Whistleblower Protection Program confirming that the department would conduct an investigation.

Apple told The New York Times that it is "firmly committed to creating and sustaining a positive, inclusive workplace" and does not comment on specific employees.

Back in September, Deirdre O'Brien, Apple's head of retail and people, encouraged employees who were having problems to talk to their managers and "business relationship partners." Deirdre said Apple has a "confidentiality process" to investigate complaints in a way that "respects everyone."

Apple is also facing an investigation by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and Gjovik has also filed a lawsuit against OSHA.

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