
5-0 opener, double-line 12 consecutive wins, Shandong Taishan state bursting, towards the double crown

The second stage of the Chinese Super League finally resumed, the championship group and the relegation group of the two groups to carry out a fierce struggle, the high-profile championship group competition, the championship favorites Sipang, Taishan, Yatai all scored 3 points, while the Guangzhou team lost 0-1 to Beijing Guoan, who is looking forward to the championship this season, but Shandong Taishan is definitely the first favorite candidate.

5-0 opener, double-line 12 consecutive wins, Shandong Taishan state bursting, towards the double crown

In last night's game, Shandong Taishan ushered in the challenge of Hebei team, in the face of this unpaid, pre-season preparation team of almost zero, Shandong Taishan did not have any restraint, directly sent the opponent a 5-0 tragedy, this score reflects the state and strength of the two teams, Hebei team is simply powerless to fight back.

5-0 win the Hebei team and get the second stage opener! Shandong Taishan's championship temperament has become more and more intense, after winning the Hebei team, Shandong Taishan has achieved an impressive record of 12 consecutive wins in the double line, and the state is very explosive: the FA Cup has successfully reached the final, and the Chinese Super League has firmly ranked first.

5-0 opener, double-line 12 consecutive wins, Shandong Taishan state bursting, towards the double crown

This result looks at the current Teams in the Chinese Super League, there is no team to match, and the team's data is not bad, the league scored 35 goals in 15 games, only lost 10 goals, both ends of the attack and defense are the second best teams in the league, which reflects the overall strength of Shandong Taishan, really can not see any shortcomings.

Today's Tarzan has only one goal: to run for the double crown. In the current state of the team, it has this strength, the team's foreign aid level is the first army, and the strength of local players can be described as unique. The most important thing is that Shandong Taishan is a whole, not relying on a certain superstar, which is the key.

5-0 opener, double-line 12 consecutive wins, Shandong Taishan state bursting, towards the double crown

Take the rival harbor, without Oscar, the harbor is basically a team competing for the fourth; the local players of the Guangzhou team are very strong, but in terms of integrity, it is not as good as Shandong Taishan. The most important thing is that today's Shandong Taishan, facing the best public opinion pressure, public voice, everyone expects Shandong Taishan to win the championship, do not want to see the programmer's former owner Haigang win the championship.

Who can stop the will of the people?

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