
Italian media: Milan has no intention of recalling Caldara and is ready to introduce a new center-back to replace Kyal

Italian media: Milan has no intention of recalling Caldara and is ready to introduce a new center-back to replace Kyal

Live Bar December 14, according to the Milan News Network reported that Milan currently has no intention of recalling Caldara.

With Kyard seriously injured, Milan need to add a centre-back in the winter window as a replacement for Kyyard, while recalling Caldara has become the most affordable option in some media outlets, while Caldara has gained enough playing time and regained confidence in the process of playing on loan at Venice this season. But according to the Milan News Network, Milan did not consider recalling Caldara.

According to the report, Milan firmly believe that they need to bring in a new center-back to replace Kyal, and milan may be ready in advance for a large-scale reinforcement in next summer, or may choose to rent first and buy later, and the specific way to use for reinforcements has not yet been determined by Milan.

Milan's current watchlist includes Fiorentina's Mirrenkovic, Chelsea's Christensen and Lille's Botman.

(Iron Fist)

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