
The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public

The Lakers' current record is still satisfactory to fans, with a record of 15 wins and 13 losses, a winning percentage of 53.6%, and the gap between the Clippers and the Grizzlies in front is not large, with only 0.5 wins between the Clippers and only 1.5 wins with the Grizzlies! If they can keep their recent form, it won't be long before they're back in the top four in the West!

The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public
The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public

The team is still not playing in the full main squad at the moment, and Rondo, Nunn and Ariza are all injured, but the team has good news recently, that is, the two tough players, Nunn and Ariza, will soon complete their comeback. Previously, there was news that Ariza and Nunn were already training in the Development League, and recently there was the latest news, that is, the two are close to a comeback!

The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public
The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public

According to Shams, "According to sources, Lakers forward Trevo Ariza is expected to make a comeback in the next one to two weeks, and guard Kendrick Nunn can return in January!" That is to say, basically by January at the latest, the Lakers will be able to usher in the team's first full main lineup, which will be a great improvement for them, and the reason why the Lakers have struggled before is largely because the team's lineup is not in order!

The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public
The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public

Nunn has not yet represented the team in regular season games this season, and in the previous preseason games, he still has a very stable outside shooting ability, and the 26-year-old is a very young instant combat force for the Lakers, and if he can play, it will bring great help to the Lakers' lineup vitality. And Ariza needless to say, although the age is not small, but his outside shooting ability and defensive ability are obvious to all, and his experience will bring great help to the Lakers!

The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public
The two tough players of the Lakers are close to coming back, and the full main Force Lakers are about to show in front of the public

It can be said that the comeback of these two tough players will make the Lakers play more easily, and the core players such as James, Davis and Westbrook will also have more rest time, which is very helpful for the overall lineup rotation of the team, and perhaps the Lakers officially enter the state after the return of these two people!

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