
There are little babies at home

author:Summer Wind Autumn Moon 2022

It is an honor to be a parent. I thank God for giving us the opportunity to be parents. So I am very attentive, very devoted, humbly learning early education knowledge, and choosing methods from a variety of parenting classics. In the days with my children, I also adjust my mentality, and it can be said that we grow up with our children.

Once, I was doing laundry and the kids were playing in the living room, and he was two and a half weeks old, and he liked to stand on the back of the couch and wait. After a while, I heard crying, I quickly ran to the door of the living room, saw him kneeling by the sofa rubbing his head, convinced that he was okay, I came back to wash my clothes, and after a while, he came to me with tears in his eyes: Mom, it hurts! I smiled and asked: How did you get it? He said: Touch the table. I said: Cry! If it doesn't hurt to cry, you cry loudly and cry hard. Come mom and cry with you. I also pretended to cry. He hummed a few times and smiled at the way I faked crying. I said again, the couch table can't move, only you are moving, it is you who touch them, not them who touch you. So it's you who accidentally failed to protect yourself. So you can cry, but blame the table. He nodded and turned to play again.

He was mischievous and undiminished, and it was often a matter of being beaten and bumped, but when he fell, he rarely cried or begged for pity. Once, when he was four and a half years old, we had dinner in a restaurant, there were four classmates and friends, after eating, the adults were talking at the table, their little brothers were playing with mobile phones on the sofa, Xiao Bao was the smallest, just jumped on the sofa, and as a result, he fell, touched the corner of the glass coffee table, and fell in a pool of blood. Carried by the big brother to the nearby hospital for three stitches, he still left a shocking scar. He behaved very bravely, did not cry or make trouble, and would comfort his mother: it's okay, I'm sorry, my mother is worried.

Once, playing on the slide, he touched a girl younger than him, and the little girl almost fell. She supported the edge of the slide with her hands, but her grandparents were anxious, scolding my children loudly, pointing at my children, and the anger was very large. I was looking at the outside of a few meters, my child looked down and listened, the second old trained enough, hugged the little girl away. My kids played on the slide again before coming back to me, as if nothing had happened. I asked: Did you just run into your little sister? He nodded. I asked again: Did you say sorry to your sister? He nodded. I said, good baby, you're doing the right thing. The rest of him will understand that he has done wrong first, and the old man's reprimand is the consequence he should bear. Regardless of how the elderly practice, my children have to learn to take responsibility. Of course, if the old man were a little too much and wanted to hit my child, I would turn into a lioness and rush over to see who dared to move him, and you could hit me.

The child returned to his grandmother's house, and the brother of the little aunt was two years older than him and was brought up by his grandmother. The first time I went, I told him that in that house, you are a guest, your brother is the host, and the owner's toy food is not allowed to move without his permission. If you want to move, you must ask your brother's consent. The child knew the rule at home, he understood, and as a result, he was at peace with his brother. His brother even harassed him and did not let him watch cartoons together. He can do it all: I will go over there if you block this side, I will come over here when you block that side, my eyes are fixed on the TV, I am not anxious or annoyed, I do not shout, I do not complain, I do not ask for help, and as a result, my aunt and uncle can't look at it anymore and clean up his brother.

My baby, because of the trust of his parents, he is very quiet inside, does not care about the praise or criticism of others, he has his own rhythm and opinion, loves to talk and laugh, plays by himself, and rarely argues with his friends. Recently, when I went to my brother's school to play, he actually asked my brother: Introduce me to your teachers and classmates, I want to know them! How cute I am! I listened, very relieved, if the child is confident enough, he is strong enough inside, has the pursuit of self-determination and courage, then his growth to reduce how many senseless obstacles and troubles Wow!

Parents can only believe in their children more if they believe in themselves, and the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves, and the children are standing on the shoulders of their parents. Because of trust, I know how to let go with confidence. I bless our children who will grow up at the pace of their own lives and grow up the way they should be, rather than the way parents aspire in the name of love.

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