
Painter Xu Peibo: Traditional painting should be combined with the expression of contemporary feelings

A few days ago, Gao Jianfu Memorial Hall held a unique "Axis, Cheng ---- Xu Peibo Calligraphy and Painting Double Fruit Exhibition" calligraphy and painting peer appreciation and symposium, the symposium guests from all walks of life, they have been pursuing the road of art to explore and practice.

After the "Axis, Cheng ---- Xu Peibo Calligraphy and Painting Double Fruit Exhibition" was launched at the Gao Jianfu Memorial Hall, it received widespread attention and praise. The 68 calligraphy and painting works of Xu Peibo, a famous calligrapher and painter in Lingnan, exhibited this time are all his masterpieces or even masterpieces in recent years, no matter the book French painting, no matter the size of the scale, all of them are fine in pen and ink, and the qi is clear. Xu Peibo's long volume of calligraphy and painting "Qinling Jiyou", which he created after his sketching in Qinling a few years ago, was also unveiled in this exhibition.

Painter Xu Peibo: Traditional painting should be combined with the expression of contemporary feelings

Exhibition site

Painter Xu Peibo: Traditional painting should be combined with the expression of contemporary feelings

Part of "Qinling Chronicle Tour"

At the symposium, everyone talked about how to double repair calligraphy and painting, and how art serves the public. Painter Wang Junwei believes that Xu Peibo's calligraphy and painting creation is combined, adhering to the expressiveness of brush and ink, while making modern reforms to the spatial structure and modeling method of ink painting, and the intangible expression of form can transcend the constraints of secular appearances and directly trace the inner imprint.

The painter Pan Huayi believes that Xu Peibo's recent works are full of rhythmic beauty and rhythmic beauty, vivid pen and ink, and vivid and touching pictures.

Xu Peibo finally concluded to the symposium that to learn tradition, we must find ways to closely integrate with the expression of contemporary people's feelings, and the study of Western modern art should be combined with the traditional aesthetic pursuit; techniques should be combined with their own lifestyle, cultural experience, and visual perception, showing that works of art are the forms of behavior after the soul expresses subjective and objective resonance with the help of the carrier.

Zhiduo D: Xu Peibo, Yihan, calligrapher and painter. Deputy Director of Gao Jianfu Memorial Hall, Vice President of Guangdong Art Critics Society, Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of Guangdong Artists Association.

Written by: Nandu reporter Xu Xiaolei intern Chen Qiannan

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