
(Weekly Fortune) Lorna_Horoscope for December 13-19, 2021

For all of us, especially if you are a sensitive, compassionate or intuitive person, the relentless bombardment of emotions and hearts has increased unabated since the Taurus eclipse of November 19 and the Sagittarius Super Crescent eclipse of December 4. There will be more to come.

To protect yourself from harsh energies and not to feel like you're falling apart, let your inner filter consciously discern what comes from yourself and what comes from outside fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Notice it and let it pass. Stay neutral.

In the outside world, this week will be a week of chaos and turmoil as the Sun forms a quarter phase with Neptune on Sunday, Mercury enters Capricorn, Mars moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius, and finally on The 19th Sunday full moon, Venus retrograde in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn, and Chiron in Aries.

The full moon on December 19 reaches 27° Gemini 48 hours before Capricorn, amplified by the sun passing through the center of the Milky Way—our destination signal. Jupiter, Neptune in the far-sighted Pisces, provides insight on an unconscious level. Some form of awakening is certain, accompanied by rapid change, separation, crisis, or stress as the old way of life is ended by the aftermath of the eclipse.


Aries, this time of year, always has to stop, reposition themselves, and assess where they are emotionally, mentally, and physically. This week is the week before the winter solstice, and you'll feel one change after another as your own planet Mars moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius, Mercury passes through the top of your chart, and Venus slows down retrograde on Sunday 19. Instead of sticking with it, take a step back and do what you can to soothe and calm your nervous system. Your feelings are important signals.


The combination of planetary changes means that your attention needs to be focused on finances either way. Venus, your personal planet, began retrograde for 40 days on the 19th. Mars enters Sagittarius, which is the 8th house of your money and resources, and the 19th Gemini full moon brings the end and beginning to your income stream. Regardless of the outcome, problems with financial flows, debt and spending will arise. Resist the urge to splurge. Instead, be creative. If you're feeling emotionally upset, don't try to push forward and make self-care an absolute priority. Slow down with Venus, your guide in this life.


Starting on Monday 13, when your own planets Mercury and Mars both change their constellations, this week will be a busy and stressful week for you. Mercury enters Capricorn, and Venus will retrograde with Pluto on Sunday 19th. This is your financial and partnership perspective – personal and professional – so don't invest in anything big or sign up until January 29th. The Eighth House is also a secret place. Make the most of your 19th full moon in Gemini's year, spend time with someone you love, and reflect on what has changed since your birthday 6 months ago. Look forward to some in-depth and meaningful conversations.


There will be no shortage of interesting undercurrents this week. Venus retrograde on Sunday 19th, please pay close attention to what you did not say. Mercury will meet them in Capricorn on the 13th, so there will be a lot of interesting conversations. On the 19th, the Full Moon of Gemini is located in your hidden 12th house, when you will have the opportunity to calm down and think about your private thoughts. Because it aligns with our homecoming signal galactic center, keeping a journal – it can be very enlightening. Prepare for the winter solstice.


It will be a busy and stressful week as both Mercury and Mars change their constellations, with Venus retrograde during the full moon of Gemini next Sunday. Venus and Pluto are in the angle of your work, so there may be more gossip than usual, the revelation of secret events, or when someone finally tells the truth truthfully. Just walk gently and carefully and observe your stress levels. For you, the full moon is a friend, a group, an alliance. With venus retrograde, you may notice that some traditional ideas have lost their luster and decide to leave them behind. If that's the case, take your time, leave gracefully, and thank you for everything you've shared together. Know what's most important.


This week may feel like a chair-grabbing game, and just when you thought you were all set, the drums stopped. Your own planet Mercury changed its sign into Capricorn on Monday 13, your creative 5th house. Venus is slowing down retrograde during the full moon on the 19th, so if inspiration strikes, don't wait and grab it before it flies by. If you have a project to sell, do it this week, because the full moon will make you and your career more visible than usual. After another year of pause/start, take a moment to really think about your direction. Where and in what way do you want to put your energy, time and love into in 2022? Make sure you spend as much time taking care of yourself as you do taking care of others.


Even though it's the holiday season, you may not feel celebrating and celebrating. This is because your own planet Venus is with Pluto and slows down retrograde during Sunday's full moon. Whenever Venus retrogrades, as she would do until January 29th, it's a moment of reflection, this time extraordinarily intense, even emotional, because it activates the fourth house where your sense of family and belonging resides. Now is the time for deeper dialogue, reconciliation and bridge-building than usual. On Sundays, the full moon of Gemini takes you in search of some pastimes – it's a great day to visit an art gallery, museum or exhibition that will give you food to think about. Play as long as you need quiet time.


It's a week of intense emotions and conversations, as Venus and Pluto slow down retrograde during Sunday's full moon. Your own planets, Mars and Mercury, both changed their constellations on December 13, putting truth time at the forefront. If you have a difficult or sensitive topic that needs to be put on the table, stop and think about what you want to say and how you intend to say it – 90% of any communication is nonverbal. On your astrolabe, the full moon focuses on sex, intimacy, death, inheritance, taxes, and common finances —all of which are important big areas. Proceed with caution. Avoid emotional landmines.


It's going to be a busy week for almost everyone, but you're especially prominent. The action planet Mars enters Sagittarius on Monday, giving you an energy boost until January 24th. Meanwhile, Mercury joins Venus and Pluto, turning your attention to money, especially the money you make. Until January 29, Venus will slow down backwards, so control unnecessary expenses. If you're self-employed, make the most of your skills and assets and develop a plan to increase additional revenue streams and raise prices. The Gemini full moon puts the spotlight on the partner – both personal and professional.


Now there's a lot of planetary energy in your constellation. On Monday, Mercury joined the ranks of Venus, which was with Pluto and slowed down retrograde from December 19 to January 29. During that time, money will be a focal point, what you value and what you value. When Venus is retrograde, make sure your promises are undersized and overrun. You may also have the urge to change an aspect of your appearance – and if you do, avoid cosmetic surgery and stick to superficial adjustments. The full moon on Sunday, the 19th, is your annual time to think about your work, duties and responsibilities. Is your burden too heavy? Can you delegate tasks? Work is only a part of life.


It's the season of socializing, but in your astrological chart, Venus, Pluto, and Mercury in your hidden 12th house indicate that you crave some private breaks, sit quietly, concentrate your thoughts, and do nothing. This part of your psyche is related to your ancestors and heritage, so if you're drawn to studying your distant relatives, follow along. This may be helpful in the current situation. On Sunday 19, during gemini's annual full moon, Venus retrogrades to January 29. Relax, anything that makes you happy. Give yourself a gift of rest.


The week will be busy and stressful for almost everyone, so, knowing that, see if you can adjust your schedule to schedule some quiet time. Venus is on a par with Pluto, affecting your friendship, group, or network as she slows down backwards during the full moon next Sunday. In your work, online, or social life, you may find yourself caught up in a conflict or a crossfire between polarized groups. Proceed with caution. Luckily, the full moon is illuminating homes and families, just in time for the holidays, and the more time you spend with your loved one, the better you'll feel. Give yourself a break and listen to what your body and soul are telling you.

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