
Huang Qian has played 12 times in the Champions League for England teams 6 draws and 6 defeats without winning, scoring only 3 goals

Huang Qian has played 12 times in the Champions League for England teams 6 draws and 6 defeats without winning, scoring only 3 goals

Live Bar December 13, according to OPTA statistics, Villarreal has encountered English teams 12 times in the Champions League, and has not tasted victory.

In today's Champions League round of 16 draw, Villarreal drew Manchester City, which is undoubtedly bad news for them.

Because according to statistics, Huang Li has not won against English teams in 12 times in the Champions League, with a record of 6 draws and 6 losses, and only scored 3 goals.

(Goblin Killer)

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