
The United States has stepped up its "cooperation with Taiwan to resist reunification", Russian media: China has had enough and wants to fight back in two ways

author:There is a phoenix Talk

Recently, Sullivan, Austin, Blinken, and other ANTI-China politicians in the United States have clamored one after another that the mainland will not be allowed to reunify Taiwan by force, and have threatened to "defend Taiwan."

In addition to rhetoric, the United States has stepped up its military efforts, such as planning to allocate $7.1 billion in a defense budget to implement the Indo-Pacific Strategy and increase military investment in the region.

The United States has stepped up its "cooperation with Taiwan to resist reunification", Russian media: China has had enough and wants to fight back in two ways

The so-called "Indo-Pacific strategy" is ostensibly to maintain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region, but in fact it is to contain China, block China's way out of the east, and do not want China to become a maritime power.

In addition, the United States also plans to increase the funding of US troops in Japan and US troops in South Korea, which seems to be a family affair between the United States and Japan and South Korea, but in fact it is aimed at China. Because Japan and South Korea are close neighbors to China, once China makes some moves in the western Pacific, the US military will certainly react. For example, if China really decides to unify Taiwan by force, then the US military in Japan and South Korea will react with the US military at the Guam base as soon as possible.

After the "democracy summit" ended in a round of scolding, the seven foreign ministers led by the United States held a G7 foreign ministers' meeting, the theme of which was how to contain China, how to prevent China from "unilaterally changing the status quo" in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, and also intended to win over Southeast Asian countries to deal with China.

The United States has stepped up its "cooperation with Taiwan to resist reunification", Russian media: China has had enough and wants to fight back in two ways

As far as China is concerned, the urgency of resolving the Taiwan issue is self-evident, and the United States always wants to insert a foot in the Taiwan Strait and promote Taiwan's "independence" by cutting sausages. The conspiracy of the United States and its allies to "cooperate with Taiwan and resist reunification" is being accelerated, and China has become intolerable and irrevocable, and must face the enemy head-on and completely resolve the Taiwan issue.

On the Taiwan issue, the Russian media recently published an article titled "Attention, China Takes Off Its Gloves and Is No Longer Polite."

The United States has stepped up its "cooperation with Taiwan to resist reunification", Russian media: China has had enough and wants to fight back in two ways

The article points out that Chinese mainland have had enough of the "Taiwan card" played by Western countries, and although at present Chinese mainland most likely will not use force to resolve the Taiwan issue, they can punish "Taiwan independence" and its supporters by economic and diplomatic means.

The United States has stepped up its "cooperation with Taiwan to resist reunification", Russian media: China has had enough and wants to fight back in two ways

The punitive measures pointed out by the Russian media include Chinese mainland listing Su Zhenchang and other Tsai Ing-wen's cronies as "Taiwan independence diehards" and severely cracking down on "Taiwan independence" financiers, such as Taiwan's Far East Group. For supporters of "Taiwan independence," such as Lithuania and other countries, China has adopted the most severe economic sanctions, which have played a role in killing chickens and making an example.

On the diplomatic front, Nicaragua's abrupt announcement of the resumption of diplomatic relations with Chinese mainland surprised both the Taiwan authorities and the Biden administration. This move has dealt a great blow to "Taiwan independence" and its supporters, and only 14 of the so-called "countries with diplomatic relations" of the Taiwan authorities remain, and several countries such as Honduras are considering "severing diplomatic relations" with Taiwan.

The United States has stepped up its "cooperation with Taiwan to resist reunification", Russian media: China has had enough and wants to fight back in two ways

Russian media said that China has "taken off its gloves" and told "Taiwan independence" and its supporters with actions that China has had enough and is no longer polite to them.

Although China's economic sanctions are not as far-reaching and extensive as the economic sanctions imposed by the United States on other countries, China is indeed "learning" from the United States and learning from some of the sanctions imposed by the United States against other countries.

The United States is very good at economic sanctions, such as the recent second meeting between Biden and Putin, which broke up unhappily, and Biden threatened Russia with "economic destruction" and threatened to impose the most severe economic sanctions on Russia. At the G7 Foreign Ministers' Summit, economic sanctions against Russia are still the "killer tools" for britain, the United States and other countries to deal with Russia.

The United States has stepped up its "cooperation with Taiwan to resist reunification", Russian media: China has had enough and wants to fight back in two ways

Although it is difficult for China to hurt the United States with economic sanctions, it is more than enough to hurt the "little brother" of the United States.

Russian media believe that on the settlement of the Taiwan issue, "war or no war" has never been a single-choice question for China. On this issue, China has unlocked a new toolbox. China will not use brute force to resolve the Taiwan issue, but will focus on precision strikes.

The United States has stepped up its "cooperation with Taiwan to resist reunification", Russian media: China has had enough and wants to fight back in two ways

The two different outcomes in Lithuania and Nicaragua tell us that China may use all necessary means to fight back, to maintain its red line and to make countries respect China's position. Once the red line is touched, China will certainly launch a relevant counterattack to let the other side know that the "one China" policy is not empty talk.

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