
Super 10 countries are not happy! The 11 trillion electric vehicle subsidies in the United States have aroused public anger, and Canada wants to "retaliate"?

The United States and Canada, looking up and not looking down, although from time to time to each other sarcastic, tearing apart, but the trade interaction between the two countries is still quite much, as long as they can cooperate together to make money, playing mouth cannon does not hurt feelings. Only this time, the United States was selfish and angered Canada...

Super 10 countries are not happy! The 11 trillion electric vehicle subsidies in the United States have aroused public anger, and Canada wants to "retaliate"?
Super 10 countries are not happy! The 11 trillion electric vehicle subsidies in the United States have aroused public anger, and Canada wants to "retaliate"?

This matter starts from Biden's "Rebuild a Better Future Act", he is ready to take out 1.7 trillion US dollars (about 11 trillion yuan) to subsidize the domestic electric vehicle industry, as long as the electric vehicles sold in the United States can enjoy 7500 US dollars in tax incentives, and car companies that join the US union can also get an additional 4500 US dollars in subsidies, if even the supporting electric batteries are made in the United States, then give an additional 500 US dollars in subsidies.

Make up again and again, just to stimulate consumers to buy electric vehicles. But Canada is particularly annoyed, and the United States has a complete subsidy process, which is equivalent to imposing a 34% tariff on Canadian-made electric vehicles.

And Canadian electric car manufacturers are also particularly shrewd, moving factories to the United States, so that they can receive subsidies without paying taxes, which is simply to pour salt on Canada's wounded heart. After all, Canada is also encouraging the development of its own electric vehicle industry, and this year also introduced a subsidy policy, which can enjoy a subsidy of $5,000 for electric vehicle models priced below $45,000.

Super 10 countries are not happy! The 11 trillion electric vehicle subsidies in the United States have aroused public anger, and Canada wants to "retaliate"?

In order to defend its interests, Canada wrote a letter to the United States, asking Biden to cancel the subsidy policy for electric vehicles, otherwise it would impose tariffs on products exported to Canada by the United States, and said that Canada had prepared for the worst, as if opening a "same end" model.

Super 10 countries are not happy! The 11 trillion electric vehicle subsidies in the United States have aroused public anger, and Canada wants to "retaliate"?

In fact, for Biden's eccentric approach, in addition to Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Poland, Sweden, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries are also super unhappy, saying that the United States violated international trade rules, which made them chill.

At the same time, foreign car companies are also particularly disappointed, Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai and other 12 foreign car manufacturers have clearly expressed their opposition, but people are light-hearted, and there is no deterrent effect at all. You know, Toyota has 10 factories in the United States, employs 36,000 employees, in promoting the U.S. manufacturing industry, the U.S. economic development, there is no credit and hard work, now it is treated differently, it is certainly not comfortable.

Super 10 countries are not happy! The 11 trillion electric vehicle subsidies in the United States have aroused public anger, and Canada wants to "retaliate"?

Don't say foreign car companies, even Tesla is not happy with this subsidy policy, Musk directly called for the cancellation of all subsidies, money do not want, why is this? Because Tesla did not join the U.S. union, this means that the car company subsidizes $4500 less than competitors such as Ford and GM, and does not suffer from unevenness, which may be the real reason why Musk asked for the cancellation of subsidies.

After all, Musk is a profit-seeking businessman, of course, if he has money to take, but if he takes less than others, or the procedure is too complicated, then simply don't want it, he is not bad at this money. A while ago, Musk dismissed stereotypical Germans for being too slow and the approval process too long, and directly gave up the German subsidy of 1.14 billion euros (about 8.2 billion yuan).

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