
These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

author:Uncle Filmmaker

  In our memories, there are always some pictures that make us unforgettable, and there are always some memories that move us. Over the years, mainland movies have gradually become an important part of our lives, and the feelings that movies have brought us are stored in the depths of memory. The family, love, and friendship in those films often knock on our hearts and remind us of them again.

"My Brothers and Sisters"

  Female conductor Qi Sitian (Liang Yongqi) returns to China for the first time to perform, and she wants to take this opportunity to find her long-lost brothers and sisters. 20 years ago, the Qi family's father (Cui Jian) was a music teacher, and although the family was poor, it was also happy. Her mother (Zhang Jianxin) has been suffering from overwork for many years and suddenly becomes seriously ill. My father took my mother to the hospital on a snowy night, but was in a car accident. The four children of Yi Bitter, Si Tian, Tian, and Miao also became orphans.

  The cousin kindly asked to take them in, but the cousin's family was not rich, and it was strongly opposed by the cousin, and the eldest brother had to endure the pain of giving his younger brothers and sisters to others for adoption. The 4 siblings have since been separated, but each holds a family portrait in his hand. After 20 years, everyone has their own life, either bitter or sweet, and Si Tian's bitter pursuit has only found younger brothers and sisters, remembering his own coldness and dare not recognize Si Tian. The show arrived as scheduled, and Yi Kuo was absent...

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

"Coco Ciri"

  Ga Yu (Zhang Lei) was originally a policeman, and in order to investigate the hunting of Tibetan antelope, he pretended to be a journalist and accompanied the delegation to Coco Xili, where the climate was cold, the air was thin, and the oxygen content was extremely low. It was in this "forbidden zone" of human existence that Gayu witnessed a scene of human greed and violent conflicts between humans and the environment. First, the patrol members of the Tibetan Antelope Conservation Station were shot and killed by the thieves, and then they saw a tragic scene: the poachers fled, leaving only a large number of Tibetan antelope with only rugged white bones. The mountain patrol team hunted down the killer in a harsh environment, and eventually only a part of the Tibetan antelope fur was recovered. On the one hand, to fight against the harsh natural environment, on the other hand, to deal with the murderous poachers, the mountain rangers and Gayu face a life-and-death test.

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

The Two of Us

  In winter, the old lady (Jin Yaqin), who lives alone in a courtyard, welcomes a foreign girl (Gong Zhe) who comes to Beijing to study. The girl wanted to rent the old lady's house close to the school, but the old woman asked for too high a price, the old woman's face of love could not live with the expression of resolutely not to reduce the price, the girl helplessly rented, the two began to stumble and quarrel endlessly about the main guest life. Whether it is installing a telephone, paying the telephone bill, or ordering an electric stove and borrowing a refrigerator, the girl feels that the old woman is calculating her everywhere, and her heart is very wronged.

  But over time, the two gradually became dependent on each other. The days slipped through the spring and summer, and the old woman saw the joys and sorrows of the girl's life, especially in love, and the loneliness of her later years was diluted by the company of the girl. Autumn came, the girl found a better place to live, to leave the old woman, the old woman's spirit suddenly collapsed.

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

"Falling Leaves To the Roots"

  Old Zhao (Zhao Benshan) is a farmer in his fifties, who went south to Shenzhen to work, because his friend Lao Liu died, and had to embark on a journey to carry the other party's body home for burial. He first disguised Lao Liu as a drunkard and mixed into a long-distance bus, but unfortunately encountered robbers (Guo Degang and others) on the way. After saving a car of people's money, he drove the passengers out of the car.

  Old Zhao had to stop the car on the road and stay at night, but the money was stolen. He wept at someone else's funeral (Noon Horse) and ate... Along the way, Lao Zhao encountered all kinds of Chinese. When the target was in sight, he was exhausted, and after waking up in the hospital, the police told him to cremate the body according to the regulations.

  Old Zhao returned to his hometown with Old Liu's ashes, which had already been demolished. On the door panel, there is a message from Lao Liu's son.

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them


  Fu Shao Fugui (Ge You) is addicted to gambling, and his wife Jiazhen (Gong Li) leaves him with his daughter Fengxia after repeatedly trying to persuade him to no avail, and that night, Fugui loses all the family property and dies of his father, and is forced to live by selling his mother's jewelry to rent a broken house. A year later, Jia Zhen pulled Fengxia into her arms and returned home with her newborn son Youqing, and Fugui changed his past and began to live a peaceful and self-kept life by acting in shadow puppetry.

  However, during the civil war, Fugui was arrested by the Kuomintang as a laborer, and after some tossing and turning and finally returning to his hometown to reunite with his family, Fengxia became dumb due to illness, and in the later Great Leap Forward Movement and Cultural Revolution, although he received some small blessings, adversity has always been with him.

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

"With You"

  Ordinary people Liu Cheng (Liu Peiqi) in order to make the violin skills of his son Liu Xiaochun (Tang Yun), who has been playing violin since childhood, have greatly improved, took him from Jiangnan to Beijing, and worshiped the strange personality of Teacher Jiang (Wang Zhiwen) as a teacher, in the process of learning, Liu Xiaochun gradually became friends with Teacher Jiang. Lily (Chen Hong), who has a variety of styles, lives close to Liu Cheng's father and son, and she makes Liu Xiaochun gradually develop an inexplicable love.

  After Liu Cheng happened to listen to a young man's wonderful performance, he visited his mentor Professor Yu (Chen Kaige) and persuaded the other party to accept Liu Xiaochun as an apprentice. Liu Xiaochun left Teacher Jiang with helplessness and regret, and threw himself into Professor Yu's disciples, but only gained restraint and repression, he began to doubt "his father's choice", and the relationship with his father became more and more tense.

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

"Warm Spring"

  In a remote mountain village, the village chief's son picked up a fainting girl, and the villagers talked about it. Baozhu's father (Tian Chengren) is old, and he struggles to carry the little girl home. Baozhu suddenly felt that he had lost face, and he thought that his father was dissatisfied with his daughter-in-law Vanilla (Hao Yang), who had been living for many years, and had not yet given birth to a son and a half daughter. The girl is called Xiaohua (Zhang Yan), who can't stand the abuse of her family and runs away from home. She begged her grandfather to adopt her, and Baozhu's father took the girl in pity and took her in despite the dissatisfaction of his son and daughter-in-law. Xiaohua's well-behaved and sensible understanding made Grandpa feel comforted, but Vanilla was very red-eyed and even arranged to deceive Xiaohua. Xiaohua has always wanted to have a mother, and instead of resenting the harm her uncle and aunt have done to her, she has touched Baozhu and Vanilla with her sincere kindness once and again.

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

Beautiful Bigfoot

  "Beautiful Bigfoot" is about Zhang Meili, a rural woman who has lost her husband and lost her children, who faces life with a positive and optimistic attitude in a remote mountain village, to lead the children to read, sing, and learn, and she puts all her energy and love on the children. In order to let the school get sponsorship, she drank a bottle of "two pot heads" in one gulp; A fortuitous accident put her life in danger, but she still left with a smile. Zhang Meili, played by Ni Ping, has deeply touched many people with simplicity, optimism and strength.

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

Suzhou Creek

  On the Suzhou Creek in Shanghai, The motor (Jia Hongsheng), who uses a motorcycle to deliver for people, takes over the work of delivering the innocent girl Peony (Zhou Xun), and when the two get along, Peony falls in love with the motor, but just when she decides to entrust her life to each other, the motor money fan and the underworld friend kidnapped her, making Peony feel discouraged and jump into the Suzhou River. Before jumping, Peony drops and will turn into a mermaid and look for the motor.

  Five years later, the motor, remorseful for his actions, wondered that Peony had returned and began to look around. When she sees Meimei (Zhou Xun) playing a mermaid in a bar, Mada thinks that she is Peony, but Meimei is just another infatuated woman.

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

"The Man Who Hurt Me The Most In the World Went"

  With the death of her mother, the 50-year-old female writer Ha (Si QinGaowa) remembers the last days with her mother (Huang Suying), and suddenly understands that the person who hurts her the most in the world has gone. Busy with his career and family, Hao saw his mother's old gait, trance look, and almost blind vision, and suddenly realized that his mother was old. He took his mother to the hospital for examination and then completed the brain surgery. The operation was successful and her eyesight quickly recovered, but her mother's condition did not improve. Due to the lack of exercise, the mother's brain atrophy is getting more and more serious, in order to control the mother's condition, Ha bought the mother a treadmill to let the mother start exercising, the mother actively cooperated with the various almost harsh requirements, but the mother's situation is getting worse and worse...

These domestic movies, each of which can penetrate people's hearts and make people silent after watching them

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