
Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

author:South Plus client
Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

· Guangzhou Disease Control: Please report these come (return) personnel as soon as possible

· How will "Omikron" spread in the future? Zhang Wenhong's latest research

· Only 61 registered survivors of the Nanjing Massacre remain

· A cargo ship carrying 14 people sank off Yantai, Shandong Province

· Many places have issued the latest notices to advocate the local New Year

· Peking University and other universities have adjusted the final examination and winter vacation arrangements

· The President of South Africa tested positive for COVID-19

· Famous actor Tu Men died

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

Recently, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, reported two incidents of positive infections. Guangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention urgent reminder: Since November 27, there are people with a history of living in Xi'an, and all Suikang codes are "red code" or "yellow code" personnel, please take the initiative to report with the community (village), unit, and hotel as soon as possible to cooperate with the completion of follow-up health management.

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

Recently, the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province and the Guangdong Lawyers Association jointly announced the results of the selection of "Top Ten Typical Cases of Civil and Criminal Legal Aid in Guangdong Province in 2021". The cases mainly focus on the recovery of labor remuneration, workers' compensation, personal injury liability compensation and other areas closely related to the production and life of the masses, covering special groups such as migrant workers, the elderly, minors, and retired soldiers.


Recently, the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Civilization Office, and the All-China Women's Federation announced the list of the "most beautiful families" in the country in 2021 at the meeting to promote the construction of family tutoring and family style, and 41 families in Guangdong won this honor, and the Feng Xiaowen family and Zhong Jingliang family in Jiangmen were honorably listed.

On December 12, at the 2021 Greater Bay Area Science Forum Life Science Sub-Forum, Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, made an academic report in the form of remote connection, in-depth analysis of the prospects of human anti-epidemic, especially in the face of the new challenges brought by mutated strains such as "Omicron", what are the possible coping options for human society.

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

The starting point of the competition. Photo by Tang Yin

On December 12, the "ABC Cup" 2021 Ring Danxia Mountain Bicycle Race, jointly hosted by the Shaoguan Municipal People's Government, the Shaoguan Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, the Shaoguan Danxiashan Management Committee, the People's Government of Xunjiang District and the People's Government of Renhua County, was held in Shaoguan Danxia Mountain and Yuedan Highway. Nearly 2,000 athletes and cycling enthusiasts participated.

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The first fully independent research and development of new crown neutralizing antibody drugs in China has been listed. On the evening of December 8, the China Drug Administration (NMPA) emergencily approved the first combination therapy of neutralizing antibodies to the new coronavirus in China, that is, amphavir monoclonal antibody/romizumab combination therapy. Early medication in patients with infection can reduce the risk of patients becoming severe. China's first new crown antibody special drug is coming, what impact will it have on the epidemic?

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Zhaoqing's high-quality ecological environment has attracted many birds to inhabit and breed here. Every autumn and winter, Zhaoqing will welcome some special "guests". A large number of migratory birds have returned to the nanyue wetlands again, a new round of migratory bird migration season has arrived, and the best bird watching season has come >>>

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder
Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

Today is the 8th National Day of Worship. In December 1937, the Invading Japanese Army created the Nanjing Massacre, in which more than 300,000 unarmed Chinese civilians and soldiers who laid down their arms were brutally killed, leaving the survivors of the disaster with indelible memories of pain and suffering. As the 1984 years passed, as of press time, there were only 61 surviving survivors registered by the Victims' Assistance Association of the Japanese Invasion of China in Nanjing. We recorded the names and portraits of some of the survivors for historical evidence. The list >>>

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

As of December 11, 2021, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have reported a cumulative total of 2,602.703 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

On the afternoon of December 12, In the active nucleic acid testing of key personnel in Nehe City, Heilongjiang Province, it was found that 5 people had positive nucleic acid samples, all of whom were potential close contacts and epidemiologically related personnel of asymptomatic infected persons reported on November 28.

On December 12, the "Tianfeng 369" ship of Shandong Shouguang Tianfeng Shipping Co., Ltd. sank in the waters of Yantai, Shandong Province, with a total of 14 crew members on board. After all-out rescue, 12 people have been rescued, 3 people have stable vital signs, 9 people have no vital signs, and other missing people are in full search and rescue.

On December 12, some netizens found that the Taobao store of the network anchor Sydney could not be searched and was suspected of being blocked. The reporter consulted Taobao customer service and learned that due to violations of relevant regulations, the store's goods have been removed from the shelves. Moreover, Sydney Lin Shanshan's Weibo has been blocked, and the two accounts cannot be searched at present. Previously, Sydney and Lin Shanshan were punished for tax evasion.

On December 12, the Supreme People's Court pointed out in its official micro response to the issue of protecting the rights of geographical indications such as "Tongguan Meat Sandwich Buns" that geographical indications belong to regional public resources, and that individual associations and organizations use collective geographical indications to obtain franchise fees, etc., have no basis in trademark law, and the right holder has no right to prohibit others from properly using the geographical names contained in the registered trademarks.

Recently, some universities in Beijing issued a notice to adjust the final examination and winter vacation arrangements for the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. Peking University, Chinese University, Beijing Wuzi University and other universities have winter vacations in advance, and Schools such as Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and China Women's College have made it clear that students can leave school early and take online exams.

A number of secretaries-general of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government called on the 12th that the Legislative Council election will be held soon, and Hong Kong citizens should enthusiastically vote to elect talents and abilities for Hong Kong and jointly promote Hong Kong to usher in a better future.

The New Year's Day Spring Festival holiday is approaching, and many places have issued the latest notices to advocate the local New Year:

On the 9th, the latest notice of the Zhangjiakou Economic Development Zone in Hebei Province: Cadres and workers of party and government organs, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises in the whole region should take the lead in setting an example, all should be in the local New Year, should not leave the country, should not go to high-risk areas, should try not to leave the local area, and should strictly examine and approve and manage those who really need it.

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

On December 12, an explosion was heard from a substation in section 5, Roosevelt Road, Wenshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan, and there was a brief jump in the Wenshan District of Taipei City and Zhonghe District of New Taipei City. The Taiwan Electric Power Company said in a statement that at 9:42 a.m. on the 12th, a equipment failure at a substation in Taipei caught fire, causing a power outage in the power supply system of the station. Nandu reporter learned that the fire caused the abnormal power supply of Taiwan power, many pressurized stations jumped, and at the same time led to abnormal water supply, and many residents had power outages and water outages in their homes.

Japan's Shuntendo University recently issued a communiqué saying that the university's researchers participated in the development of an anti-aging vaccine, which successfully improved the aging-related diseases of mice in animal experiments, and also extended the lifespan of progeria model mice. This result is expected to be used in the treatment of diseases associated with ageing.

On the evening of the 12th local time, the website of the South African Presidential Office released a message saying that earlier on the 12th, President Cyril Ramaphosa tested positive for the new crown virus. Ramaphosa is currently in good spirits, is being monitored by the South African Military Health Service under the South African Defence Force, is now self-isolating in Cape Town, and entrusts all matters to Vice President Mabuza for next week.

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

On the evening of the 10th local time, at least 30 tornadoes were struck in 6 states in the central United States, which have killed more than 100 people so far.

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

On December 12, the 4th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Financial Development Forum was held in Guangzhou. Chen Xiaoyong, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Guangdong Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, said in his speech at the forum that the Guangdong Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau will fully support the construction of cross-border wealth management and asset management centers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and inject new vitality into regional innovation and development.

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

China's first F1 driver, Zhou Guanyu, has won the title again, playing the national anthem four times this season

On December 11, Beijing time, in the second leg of the F2 final station Abu Dhabi Sprint, the third Chinese driver Zhou Guanyu took the lead in crossing the finish line and won the championship. This is The fourth title that Zhou Guanyu has won this season, and it is also the fourth time that driver Zhou Guanyu has played the national anthem this season.

On December 12, 2021, the famous actor Tu Men died of illness at the age of 61. Tu has starred in movies such as "Yin and Yang Realm" and "Sorrowful Brooke", and Huang Jianzhong's version of "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu" and other TV series. In 2017, with the role of Lao Yang in the movie "Old Beast", he won the Best Actor Award at the 54th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards.

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

On the afternoon of the 12th, Axon and his family returned to Brazil by plane from Guangzhou, and the top scorer, who has been playing in the Chinese Super League for 9 seasons, may bid farewell to the Chinese Professional League.

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

On the 13th, the north-central part of the province was cloudy, and the southern part was cloudy and sunny. Minimum temperature: 7 °C to 10 °C in the northern cities and counties of northern Guangdong (4 °C to 6 °C in high-altitude mountainous areas), 15 °C to 17 °C in southern cities and counties, and 11 °C to 14 °C in the remaining cities and counties.

For more news, please refer to today's Southern News

Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder
Southern + morning bus 丨 Shaanxi found positive infection, Guangzhou disease control emergency reminder

【Cartography】Zhang Ruiwei Ding Weiwei


News morning bus

Source: South+ - Create more value

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