
He was the commander of the Mino Logistics, and his daughter was a deputy prime minister

author:King Kou Abc

Introduction: There was a logistics commander in our party during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression who rushed to the front line during the war years and ruled cleanly in peacetime. His life was a life dedicated to the motherland, always putting the profits of the people first. In the education of his children, he was also unambiguous, and eventually his children lived up to expectations to become the fourth female deputy prime minister of the country. That is Liu Ruilong, the founder of the Red 14 Army.

He was the logistics commander of the Third Field Army, and his daughter became deputy prime minister throughout his life

Liu Ruilong, a native of Nantong, Jiangsu Province, was born in 1910, and shortly after his birth, his biological father died unexpectedly, leaving her and her mother to live together. Life is very poor, three days at both ends can not open the pot. Liu Ruilong grew up in such an environment, relying on the help of his neighbors.

In the face of fate, his mother did not give up, always firmly believing that her children's education was crucial. Despite the poor family conditions, she also supported her family with her own hands, desperately earning money to provide for her son's education. The children of poor families have long been homemakers, and this sentence is also very appropriate for young Liu Ruilong.

He has been very sensible since he was a child, watching his mother's hard work, he studied hard, and often helped the family work in his spare time. Originally, the mother's family was Shuxiang Mendi, and my grandfather was a knowledgeable Confucian, so my mother's personality was very good, and she was also very reasonable, slightly literate. Under the influence of his ears, Liu Ruilong's desire for knowledge and receptivity are much stronger than those of his peers.

Due to the influence of his maternal grandfather, he had a strong interest in classical Chinese poetry. Therefore, he was familiar with poetry from an early age, which also laid a solid foundation for his future literary creation, and he spent enough years in the army, so many of his works were written during the war, which also left valuable assets for our future generations to study the history of our army's War of Resistance.

Later, Liu Ruilong entered the Tongzhou Normal School through his own efforts, and it was also during the same period that he was exposed to the new knowledge of the outside world, and his thinking was greatly improved, and finally led him to the road of revolution, and joined the Communist Party of China in 1927.

We know that during that period, the Communist Party of China was facing severe challenges, and the situation at home and abroad was not optimistic, but he still joined the party without hesitation, and through his own efforts, organized many outstanding young people to join in, and constantly launched patriotic movements, such as the famous Jiang Shangqing at that time, Liu Ruilong introduced the party.

At the age of 20, Liu Ruilong, who was prosperous, began to create the Red 14th Army, but unfortunately the 14th Army split under the encirclement and suppression of the enemy later. Liu Ruilong was also forced to abandon the Nantong hometown base area and the Red 14th Army because of the betrayal of traitors. He moved to Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet District and joined the Red 29th Army as the director of the political department.

In that year, Liu Ruilong re-formed the southern Shaanxi guerrilla group after the disastrous defeat of the 29th Army and conducted guerrilla operations in the local area, and was unfortunately arrested during the battle. After being captured, the enemy tortured him, he did not reveal half of the party's secrets, did not say a word, after several difficult days, finally under the rescue of the Communist Party, he regained his freedom and returned to the party organization.

After coming down from the front line, Liu Ruilong served as the logistics commander in the Third Field Army, a position that was crucial at that time, because the troops were constantly increasing, and all the grain and grass needed to be personally looked at and inventoried, so his military affairs were very busy and the pressure he faced was also very huge.

At that time, the transportation equipment was relatively rudimentary, and Liu Ruilong, as the commander-in-chief of logistics, personally led the logistics troops to provide the necessary materials for the front line with the most primitive methods and tools. It provides the most adequate preparations for the decisive battle of our army.

Later, at the 1955 conferment ceremony, Liu Ruilong was already retired due to his age, so he failed to participate in the authorization ceremony. However, in retirement, he still has a deep attachment to the affairs of the party, and has a great influence on the masses of the people, and even at the age of 78, he often attends work meetings. Tired at a meeting, he died suddenly, leaving the party and the masses forever.

Conclusion: Liu Ruilong's life has dedicated his life to the development and construction of the motherland, and what is even more admirable is that he has cultivated the next generation of outstanding Chinese communists. Several of his daughters have also achieved great success under her cultivation and influence. The second daughter, Liu Yandong, became the fourth female vice premier of New China, which is such an honor!

The history of the party is the history of resistance, and in this history, revolutionary heroes like Liu Ruilong, whether on the battlefield front or behind the scenes, selflessly dedicated their lives.

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