
Which spicy foods can play a role in health maintenance? These 3 kinds may wish to choose to eat

Health care has always been a hot topic, especially in the middle-aged and elderly groups, and it is the theme of chat and conversation. People who know how to maintain health are more respectful of light diet in terms of diet, and think that too greasy, spicy food has a certain harm to health.

Although this statement has some truth, it cannot erase the contribution of spicy food to health.

Which spicy foods can play a role in health maintenance? These 3 kinds may wish to choose to eat

Which spicy foods can play a role in health maintenance?

1. Green onions

Green onion is not only a relatively common vegetable, but also an indispensable seasoning for stewing fish and boiling meat. Especially for northerners, if the food they eat is not dipped in scallions and sauce, even if they eat mountain treasures and seafood, they will be tasteless.

Although many southerners think that eating green onions raw is unhygienic, in fact, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, green onions are also one of the foods with medicinal food.

Which spicy foods can play a role in health maintenance? These 3 kinds may wish to choose to eat

Although the taste of green onions is spicy and pungent, it will be particularly choking when eaten in the mouth, but it is precisely because of this unique smell that it can play a role in enhancing appetite.

From a scientific point of view, green onions contain many nutrients, in addition to the well-known vitamins, sugars, carotene, but also contain volatile sulfides, niacin and trace elements.

The sulfides in green onions can not only promote the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, but also effectively increase appetite.

Chinese medicine believes that eating raw onions can not only play a role in sterilization and detoxification, but also has the effect of stomach, cold repellent, and milk. Especially for the treatment of constipation and difficulty urinating and other diseases, it also has unexpected effects.

Which spicy foods can play a role in health maintenance? These 3 kinds may wish to choose to eat

2. Garlic

Garlic is a more popular seasoning in the northern region, in the frying and frying can be put into the garlic frying pan, not only the taste is spicy and attractive, but also can play a role in enhancing appetite and promoting digestion.

In particular, the unique allicin in garlic not only has the effect of sterilization, swelling, pain relief and detoxification, but also often eating garlic can also enhance the body's resistance.

Which spicy foods can play a role in health maintenance? These 3 kinds may wish to choose to eat

In general, garlic can also be eaten directly in the sauce in addition to the dish, but the spicy taste of garlic is relatively strong, and it is difficult for ordinary people to have an appetite for garlic.

However, for the people living in the north all year round, they like to eat garlic when eating meat and drinking soup, which can play a role in degreasing and removing fishiness on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can also make the appetite open.

However, for people with bad stomach, try not to eat garlic in large bites, because the allicin in garlic has a certain stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, and even stomach pain, diarrhea and other symptoms will occur in severe cases.

Which spicy foods can play a role in health maintenance? These 3 kinds may wish to choose to eat

3. Ginger

Although ginger looks like an ordinary seasoning, it is not known that it is a cure for Chinese medicine, because ginger brown sugar soup can effectively alleviate the problem of dysmenorrhea, and drinking ginger soup after a cold can also play a role in alleviating cold symptoms.

The reason is that ginger contains a large amount of gingerol, which can not only effectively enhance the speed of blood circulation, but also stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, for people with indigestion, eating ginger can play a very good role in alleviating.

In addition, the unique gingerol and ginger oil ketone in ginger also have the effect of driving away cold, sweating and dehumidification, and usually whether it is eating ginger or using ginger soup to drink, it can effectively enhance the body's immunity and also has a good effect on preventing diseases.

Which spicy foods can play a role in health maintenance? These 3 kinds may wish to choose to eat

The above introduces three kinds of spicy foods, although these three types of foods are particularly spicy to eat, but they have a very important health effect on the body. Whether it is garlic, green onions or ginger, raw or cooked have a different taste, and it also has a good effect on some diseases.

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