
Panic as soon as you drink coffee? What are the ingredients in coffee? What is the cause of coffee panic?

Coffee is known as one of the world's three major drinks, the other two are tea and cocoa, and now many people have developed the habit of drinking coffee, and even once became synonymous with petty bourgeois life.

Because the taste of coffee is more mellow than tea, the slightly bitter taste is endless, but not everyone likes to drink coffee, because some people are flustered when they drink coffee.

Panic as soon as you drink coffee? What are the ingredients in coffee? What is the cause of coffee panic?

What are the ingredients in coffee?

Coffee is a drink from the West, but the status in our country is second only to tea, coffee contains dozens of substances, more common and the most special is caffeine, because this ingredient has a certain irritation to the central nervous system, heart, respiratory system, etc., so people with related diseases are not recommended to drink coffee.

In addition, coffee contains tannins, sugars, proteins and trace elements and acidic fats, drinking coffee in moderation can play a role in relieving fatigue and refreshing the brain, but if the coffee is drunk as water, it is easy to cause certain harm to people with weak physical fitness, although this harm is small, but it has also been regarded as one of the triggers for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Panic as soon as you drink coffee? What are the ingredients in coffee? What is the cause of coffee panic?

What is the cause of coffee panic?

First, too sensitive to caffeine

Although coffee is a very popular drink, not everyone is suitable for drinking coffee, because the caffeine contained in coffee, also known as plant alkaloids, as a xanthine alkaloid compound, can make the central nervous system become extremely excited after being stimulated, which is also a key factor in drinking coffee to refresh the mind.

In addition, caffeine can also relieve physical fatigue and drive away drowsiness, which can be said to be a very popular drink for office white-collar workers who work overtime for a long time.

Panic as soon as you drink coffee? What are the ingredients in coffee? What is the cause of coffee panic?

Caffeine is often used clinically as a drug for the treatment of neurasthenia and psychiatric disorders. However, because caffeine has a great stimulation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, regular coffee consumption will increase the chance of suffering from these diseases.

For people with relatively healthy health, they should also drink coffee in moderation, and do not drink coffee as a drink frequently, otherwise it is easy to appear caffeine poisoning, to put it bluntly, it is the "addiction" of everyone's value.

There are many people in life who are more addicted to drinking coffee, but they do not know that it may be caused by the dependence of neural tissues on caffeine, so they usually try to drink less coffee, and they cannot become a person with a "coffee addiction", otherwise it will cause certain harm to physical health, although this harm is not accurate at present, but should also pay attention to prevention.

Panic as soon as you drink coffee? What are the ingredients in coffee? What is the cause of coffee panic?

Second, mental anxiety, suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Overtime is already commonplace for office workers, and many large cities even implement "996" working hours, which makes many office workers complain.

However, in order to support the family, you can only passively accept, it is easy to get sleepy when working overtime at night, and the brain will also appear confused, at this time drinking a cup of coffee is the best choice.

Because the caffeine in coffee can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, after a cup of coffee under the stomach, the whole person will become awake, but for people with asthma or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, you should try to stay away from the addictive drink of coffee, caffeine in coffee will stimulate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and respiratory systems, if long-term drinking coffee is easy to induce diseases.

Panic as soon as you drink coffee? What are the ingredients in coffee? What is the cause of coffee panic?

Especially for people with coronary heart disease or other heart disease, it is easy to have symptoms of panic after drinking coffee, in this case, you must stop drinking in time, otherwise it is likely to have uncomfortable symptoms, and the main reason for the symptoms of panic is caffeine.

The above introduces the reasons for drinking coffee panic, coffee as a drink with a petty bourgeois mood, has long become a must-have drink for many young people.

Panic as soon as you drink coffee? What are the ingredients in coffee? What is the cause of coffee panic?

However, if there is a reaction of panic and shortness of breath when drinking coffee, then it may be caused by the stimulation of caffeine, usually try not to drink coffee, you can drink more mineral water, in order to avoid the recurrence of this symptom.

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