
"Limited" Ling na Belle, Disney's new ace of hunger marketing, or scalper "magic weapon"?

Although the topic of "Ling Na Belle's head" was on the hot search not long ago, consumer enthusiasm has not diminished. On the evening of December 12, "Disney" and "Disney Reservations" both rushed to the hot search, because the reservation channel of "2021 Duffy and Friends Christmas Series Merchandise" was difficult to brush out of the page for a long time after opening.

According to the announcement of Shanghai Disney Resort, the regular Lingna Belle plush toys, the 2021 Christmas series Lingna Belle plush toys and the 2021 Christmas series Lingna Belle plush toy keyring keyring products for this sale are sold in an "online reservation + offline purchase" method, and consumers need to go to the official WeChat public account of Shanghai Disney first and enter the "designated products in advance reservation" page to make an appointment. After the reservation is successful, you must go to the site to make an offline purchase according to the date and time period confirmed at the time of booking. Appointments are non-transferable, non-reschedulable and non-cancellable.

Shanghai Disney Resort made it clear in its announcement that seasonal merchandise is limited and is subject to availability. The 2021 Christmas Series Lingna Belle Plush Toys and the 2021 Christmas Series Lingna Belle Plush Toy Keyring are the first seasonal limited products of Shanghai Disney's emerging "female star" Lingna Belle, which has attracted a lot of attention and attracted many consumers.

However, after the reservation channel opened at 20:00 on December 12, many consumers reported that the reservation page could not be opened. The Beijing News shell financial reporter also tried many times, but the appointment channel was always blank. Another consumer told the Beijing News shell financial reporter: "Originally started at 8 p.m., before the point, the system collapsed in advance." Subsequently, "Disney" and "Disney Reservations" rushed to the hot search, and the official Weibo comment areas of Shanghai Disney Resort and "Duffy Friends You" also poured in a large number of consumers who "discussed the arguments".

"Limited" Ling na Belle, Disney's new ace of hunger marketing, or scalper "magic weapon"?

Reservation channels that cannot be opened. Photo/ Screenshot of Shanghai Disney's official WeChat public account

After the incident, the official Weibo of "Duffy Friends You" responded: "Due to the huge instantaneous access to the 'designated goods in advance reservation' channel, some tourists may have white screens and other conditions in the access interface, but the reservation system as a whole is running smoothly, and as of now, all the places have been booked." In terms of replenishment, "Duffy Friends You" only means "regular Lingna Belle plush toys are regular goods, and we will continue to replenish them", and does not mention the 2021 Christmas series Lingna Belle plush toys and the 2021 Christmas series Lingna Belle plush toy key rings.

"Limited" Ling na Belle, Disney's new ace of hunger marketing, or scalper "magic weapon"?

Photo/ Screenshot of the official Weibo of "Duffy Friends You"

However, whether this response can convince the public needs to be marked with a question mark. As of press time, the microblog has more than 5100 comments, and there are many consumers who want to explain in the hot comments. On the second-hand trading platform, there have been a lot of purchasing and purchasing information, not only some people offered a price of 1200 yuan to buy, but also some people offered a high price of 4500 yuan to package and sell three Lingna Belle goods.

"Limited" Ling na Belle, Disney's new ace of hunger marketing, or scalper "magic weapon"?

Photo/Screenshot of Idle Fish

Shanghai Disney Resort has long been criticized for its limited editions and scalper issues. Many consumers have expressed their complaints about the "limited edition" of Shanghai Disney Resort in the comments. "Christmas products are scheduled for a full year, you try to have no scalpers" "More stock can solve the problem"... Similar comments can be found everywhere in the official Weibo comments of Shanghai Disney Resort and "Duffy Friends You".

"Limited" Ling na Belle, Disney's new ace of hunger marketing, or scalper "magic weapon"?

In August this year, the "Xingdailu Mid-Autumn Festival Series Plush Toys" listed at Shanghai Disney Resort sold out in just three days. However, the original price of 359 yuan of Disney Mid-Autumn Festival Star Dailu dolls, but the price rose several times on the second-hand platform to sell, and even some sellers hung up the "sky-high price" of 1980 yuan. For the high-priced Mid-Autumn Festival Star Dailu that flooded on the second-hand platform, the customer service told the Beijing News Shell financial reporter that there was no authority to govern. In January last year, the New Year product launched by Shanghai Disney Resort also caused controversy over the "scalper" issue.

"Disney's marketing strategy in China is a little stronger than Universal Studios. Hunger marketing is a common marketing strategy used by Disney, coupled with Disney's brand influence, it is easier to ferment. Lin Huanjie, president of the China Theme Park Research Institute, said, "In addition, Disney is also very accurate in grasping consumer demand." The impact of the epidemic on people is very large and needs to be soothed. The cute image of Lingna Belle can satisfy people's perception of love. So as soon as it was launched, it was immediately popular. ”

According to the "2021 China Theme Park Competitiveness Evaluation Report", the 64 theme parks included in the evaluation scope will receive a total of 50.43% year-on-year visitors in 2020, and the revenue will drop by 49.87% year-on-year. In this context, Shanghai Disneyland still ranks first in comprehensive evaluation.

An industry insider said bluntly: "If you want to lead consumption, you must play hunger marketing, scarcity is value." "This three-way game between Disney, consumers and scalpers may continue."

Beijing News shell financial reporter Zheng Yijia

Edited by Li Zheng Proofreader Liu Jun

Screenshot of Xiaohongshu account in Shanghai Disney Resort

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