
4 common epidemic diseases in young children in winter, here are nursing tips, transfer to parents!

Since November, the temperature has dropped and the dressing has been chaotic, and various diseases have taken advantage of the opportunity to make trouble and test the resistance of children. Invincible? In winter, these 4 kinds of common diseases in children, parents must know ~ ~

1. Acute upper respiratory tract infection is often referred to as a cold.

2. Influenza, including influenza A.

3. Bronchitis, pneumonia.

4. Epidemic meningococcal meningitis.

According to the survey, this winter is mainly based on "children's respiratory tract infections" and "gastrointestinal diseases", which is very different from last year's respiratory symptoms. This year, there are more children with gastrointestinal symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, and parents are caught off guard due to the characteristics of acute onset and many symptoms.

Many parents complained: "Take the child out to eat a meal, come back and start coughing, thinking it is choking wind, drinking some hot water can be good, not only the cough is serious in two days, but also vomiting and diarrhea, and finally can only go to the hospital, toss the whole family." ”

4 common epidemic diseases in young children in winter, here are nursing tips, transfer to parents!

In addition to the pain and anxiety, Bao Dad and Bao Mom are more anxious to overcome common diseases in winter, and this class cannot be missed! Let's take a look at the specific judgment and nursing methods of these diseases together with the healthy campus.

Methods of care for different diseases

1. Acute upper respiratory tract infection (cold)


Acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, such as the nasal cavity and pharyngeal cavity, referred to as the upper sensation, is mostly caused by viral infection and occurs in any season.


Fever, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat, fatigue, sore extremities.

4 common epidemic diseases in young children in winter, here are nursing tips, transfer to parents!

How to relieve the common symptoms of your baby's cold?

1. When the baby has a fever

Physical cooling:

Reduce the room temperature or adjust the thickness of the bedding, be careful not to cover the child too much; drink more warm boiled water for babies over 4 months, and increase the number of breastfeeding times for babies; you can use antipyretic patches or apply a towel dipped in warm water to cover your forehead; maintain indoor ventilation and air quality.

2. When the baby has a fever > 38.5 ° C

Consult a doctor for medication + physical cooling:

Ibuprofen suspension drops, suspensions, acetaminophen drops, suspensions, etc. (babies under 6 months of age must follow the doctor's instructions).

3. Treatment of nasal congestion and runny nose

Increase the air humidity, hot steam smoke nose, can make the baby more comfortable;

Saline, or breast milk, drips into the nasal cavity, and the scab softens and wipes it out;

Nasal massage and compression to relieve the baby's discomfort;

The skin around the nasal cavity should be applied to vaseline in time after cleaning up the scab.

2. Influenza

Influenza in children, referred to as influenza, mainly occurs in infants and young children, and is a common acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus, which is divided into A, B and C.

Influenza is highly transmitted and is often endemic. It is characterized by sudden and rapid spread of the disease, which can easily lead to lung infections and, in severe cases, life-threatening. The flu is different from the common cold, the symptoms are much more serious, and parents must pay attention to its harm.

Features: Seasonal, influenza virus, easy to mutate. Symptoms: high fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, general malaise (diarrhea).

Influenza Home Care

1. Symptomatic treatment, let the baby rest more;

2, give the baby more water to drink, help detoxification;

3. Pay attention to a light diet;

4. Observe the baby's situation closely in time, and seek medical treatment as soon as it is found that something is wrong.

3. Bronchitis and pneumonia

4 common epidemic diseases in young children in winter, here are nursing tips, transfer to parents!

Bronchitis and pneumonia are caused by bacteria or viruses, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and bacteria, and are a major common disease in young babies, especially in infancy and early childhood.

Mostly occurs in the cold season of winter and spring and when the climate changes, the baby's immunity is not long-lasting after the disease, and it is easy to re-infect.

Symptoms: fever, cough, nasal flapping, irritability, etc., sometimes accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea.

Home Care:

1. Actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment and take the medicine on time according to the doctor's instructions;

2. Create a suitable family environment (temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, etc.);

3. Ensure that the child is quiet and try to avoid crying;

4. Turn over and pat your back (help the baby discharge secretions);

5, pay attention to keep warm (so that the body temperature is maintained at about 36.5 ° C);

6, drink more water; ensure adequate nutrition, a small number of meals;

7. Do a good job in the baby's antipyretic care.

Baby pneumonia care needs attention

(1) How to distinguish whether you have pneumonia?

1. Cough and deep position;

2. The number of breaths is significantly faster:

Less than 2 months ≥ 60 times / min;

50 ≥/min from February to December;

1 to 4 years old≥ 40 times per minute;

3. Whether there is a chest depression.

Special Note:

Small months of age babies may also have the following symptoms: drinking water, drinking milk is easy to choke cough, and there are often small bubbles spitting out at the mouth. Baby pneumonia does not necessarily have a fever, parents must pay attention to observation.

(2) Under what circumstances should I go to the hospital immediately?

1, not good to eat milk (less than half of the usual milk amount), can not drink water (once drink water will cough);

2. Convulsions;

3. Drowsiness or difficult to wake up;

4. Laryngeal stridor when quiet;

5. Severe malnutrition.

4. Epidemic meningococcal meningitis

"Epidemic meningoccal meningitis" referred to as "flowing brain" is an acute infectious disease caused by meningococcal meningitidis, with more diseases in winter and spring. The age of onset is mainly children under 10 years of age, and the incidence begins to rise after November, reaching a peak in February and April of the following year.

4 common epidemic diseases in young children in winter, here are nursing tips, transfer to parents!

Strong concealment, fast outbreak speed, easy to cause serious sequelae.

Onset of illness, sudden fever, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, petechiae on the skin, meningeal irritation.

Route of transmission:

Droplets such as coughing and sneezing spread directly from the air and enter the respiratory tract to cause infection.

Home care for the brain

1. Anti-infection (sulfonamides) and symptomatic treatment under the guidance of a doctor;

2. Closely observe the changes in the condition;

3. Sufficient water supply;

4, pay attention to diet (easy to digest liquid, semi-liquid food) living; 5, keep the indoor air fresh, etc.

4 common epidemic diseases in young children in winter, here are nursing tips, transfer to parents!

Winter climate is cold, is the high incidence of various infectious diseases, strengthen exercise, develop good hand hygiene habits, in order to better prevent diseases, children should pay attention to timely increase clothing, healthy through the winter.

* Statement: Most of the pictures and texts in this article come from the Internet, compiled and edited by the small editor of the kindergarten teacher service platform, focusing on sharing excellent educational concepts, if there is infringement, please leave a message in the background to contact and delete.

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