
Job Search in the IT Industry (2) - Interview Preparation


In the IT industry, the interview review process of senior sales staff with monthly salary of 25k-40k is generally more complicated, and the matching of personal ability and the integration of team culture should be reviewed from multiple dimensions, and whether the candidate meets the job standards or is higher than the job expectations. Then you need to go through 6 audit nodes before successfully joining the company;

1. HR recruitment or headhunting screens candidates for target positions; understand the matching of candidates and target positions.

Second, the department directly managed the manager interview; examine the candidate's ability and quality, post experience, post characteristics, professional conduct, personal character characteristics, through the above conditions to examine whether the candidate meets the requirements of the target position.

Third, the business leader in charge of the double face & re-selection;

4. Cross-examination;

4.1 Interview and inspection of managers of other positions; corresponding to the ability and quality of the post.

4.2 Interview with star employees in the same position; according to the ability characteristics of star employees, the ability and quality of candidates are examined.

Fifth, the company's CEO leader end;

6. HRD talks about salary packages and background checks;

Job Search in the IT Industry (2) - Interview Preparation

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