
Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

When an avalanche occurs, not a single snowflake is innocent...

Recently, some netizens sent a long article accusing Zhou Jie, saying that the other party let himself eat contraceptives, broke up without eating, and turned back to find a new love, attracting the whole people to eat melon. Some keyboard warriors even add up their harsh words to Zhou Jie without knowing the truth.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten
Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

In the early morning of December 13, Zhou Jie responded to the matter for the third time: If I die, can you let me go?

The words revealed suicidal tendencies, which could not help but arouse the concern of netizens.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

Eight of the nine pictures are Buddha statues, only the middle one is a passage from Mr. Hu Shi, and in one sentence: the greatest evil of human nature, hate you, laugh at you for nothing, think you are poor, afraid of your rich. The first time the Chinese people meet with the Chinese people, they look at each other's identity and value, and then choose whether to kneel for each other or let the other party kneel for him.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

Zhou Jie's third response, whether from the words or the tone, is not difficult to see his helplessness and powerlessness, as well as the indignation of this social phenomenon.

This time, we did not see another curse word in the comment area, netizens urgently left a message to enlighten, advising Zhou Jie not to think about it, less Internet, and live his own life.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten
Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

Looking back at Zhou Jie's first response, there was also a hint of humor and humor in his words: my friend said that only if I admitted that I was Gay could I wash away my innocence, well in fact, I was.

In order to clarify the rumor, Zhou Jie did not hesitate to come out of the closet. As soon as this remark came out, netizens ridiculed him for shaking his wit, which became more and more incomprehensible.

However, this article has now been deleted.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

On the evening of December 12, Zhou Jie responded again, this time his words appeared quite indignant, admitting all the accusations made by the outside world against him, including labels such as "bad people", "animals", "scumbags", etc., and also admitted for the first time that he kissed Lin Xinru, and even admitted that he had already been.

Obviously, Zhou Jie did not want to refute it anymore, what everyone said was what it was, after being voluntarily admitted so much, Zhou Jie finally left a shout: What else do you want?

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

But then, Zhou Jie quarreled with netizens in the comment area.

In addition to these malicious comments that can be seen, it is estimated that he has also received a lot of private messages scolding him, so there will be a third response of "If I die, can you let me go". The negative emotions that have accumulated over the years are all bursting out at this moment.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten
Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

Spread rumors with a mouth, refute rumors and run off legs. In today's Internet age, it is too easy to destroy a person, and a screenshot of a chat, or a piece of text, can make people discredited.

You may have a way to prove that you have done something, but it is very difficult to prove that you have not done something, such as Zhou Jie's storm.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

Looking back at Hu Shi's sentence "The greatest evil of human nature: hate you have", it is very well described.

Celebrities are often richer than ordinary people, so when they encounter such accusations, netizens will be more inclined to believe, and then stand on the moral high ground, let the parties "drown" under their own spit, no matter what the final truth is, they scold first and then say.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

Give a dog a bad name and hang him! Because of online violence and suffering from depression and suicide, in the distance, there is Qiao Renliang, his life is forever fixed at the age of 28, making everyone sigh. More recently, there is Korean artist Choi Shirley, who gave up her precious and vivid life because of verbal violence at the age of 25.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten
Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

I hope that you can be merciful, do not easily evaluate anyone before the truth comes, have good intentions for the world, and avoid ruining other people's lives for yourself for a while.

I hope that the rumor-mongers will stop hurting, and if Zhou Jieqing purifies himself, there is no need to be overly troubled by it.

Zhou Jie responded to the accusations three times, posted a message asking for a suspicious tendency to take his life lightly, and netizens left messages to enlighten

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