
Write a summary and find the anchor of the "goal"

author:scavenger boy

At the end of the year, the most headache is a variety of work summaries, department summaries, employee summaries, how to write in order to avoid the same repetition, how to write to let the leader know that you have not wasted time in the post this year but do things steadily, creating more and greater benefits for the company?

Write a summary, to find the company's "goal" anchor

Some people may think that it is not easy to write a summary and write a new idea, "The things done every year are not much different, always those few pieces of work are turned over and over, can you write flowers?" ”。 Therefore, whenever it is time to summarize, take the summary of the work of the previous year, change one set at a time, and hand over the matter.

Or you will do the work from January to December, and record it in chronological order, so that the leader can see how "not easy it is" to live this year.

But you may not have thought that when the leader looks at your "same" summary year after year, or the "personal diary" without focus, he will feel that you have "not done anything" this year, at least not thinking about his own work, even if the leader wants to promote you, he will not be able to convince himself, so as to give up the choice.

Here's what we should do.

Every year the company has its own strategic goals, your summary is best to carry out around the company's overall goals, around the company's expected goals, the department (individual) has done those important things, through 1, 2, 3. Things that are irrelevant to the company's goals need not be mentioned, and that will only make your summary lose focus.

Write a summary, more to reflect the results of the work

If you only write about those things, it is far from enough, and the summary is to give the leader a kind of "joy of the autumn harvest", rather than doing a bunch of things but doing nothing, busy for a year but no grain.

If the work itself is indeed unchanged, then you can write about what work innovations there are, compare with the average, compare with last year's self, and make progress, which are the highlights and achievements of this year's work.

Write a summary and "take the next step"

Every review of the work should be instructive for the next step. Similarly, knowing in advance the company's goals for next year, my department (individual) will work hard from the following aspects. The feeling of giving the leader from beginning to end is that you always stand on the company's strategic goals and think about how to work, secondly, you have a deep thinking about how many things you have done in a year, and finally you have the idea that you are not the kind of employee who takes one step at a time. After all, leaders are also more willing to promote employees who are willing to take responsibility for themselves and for the development of the company.

Therefore, it is crucial to write a summary and find the anchor of "goal"!

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