
Bilic: Can't give the international too much rest Time The new foreign signing Silva is in excellent form

Bilic: Can't give the international too much rest Time The new foreign signing Silva is in excellent form

Live Bar December 12, 2019 Tomorrow night, the Chinese Super League Championship Group will hold the 15th round of the match between Beijing Guoan and Guangzhou. Today Guoan coach Bilic attended the pre-match press conference.


Bilic: It's another long preparation period, the new stage we know the strength of the opponent, the beginning will be very difficult, but our players have been preparing seriously, practicing very hard, the international is back, we are ready, we are also looking forward to tomorrow's game.

Will the first game give the internationals time to play?

Bilic: We need a good balance, especially considering the overall situation, we have 8 games at this stage, tomorrow's first game is very important, it can not make too much impact, the international team needs more rest, now they may not rest enough, but there is no way not to give them too much time, I also want to praise my players, in addition to the efforts on the field, but also including willpower, and the previous season, every team in the Chinese Super League has suffered from the loss of foreign aid, our team has the greatest impact, Most of the season has relied on a foreign aid, so it is more necessary for the Chinese players to stand up and prepare for the game to meet such a situation. In training, we also need to be divided into two teams, especially the international team has been away from the family, we also have to thank the players for their efforts, the club has been working hard to solve the difficulties, and it is still doing well. These are mutual, and the players show understanding and give them the highest praise. We've been working together to overcome the difficulties, so I believe we can overcome all the difficulties and play well.

What is the status of foreign aid? How is it integrating with the team?

Bilic: The new foreign player is excellent, we've been practicing together for almost a month, we've been thinking positively, we're looking forward to new games, the last warm-up game is his first game with the internationals, it looks better, of course, as a new arrival, he still needs time to adapt to his companions and the league, so far we are very happy with him.

Talking about how to break the long-term closure, Yu Dabao, who attended the press conference together, said: "I think it is very difficult as a professional player in the past two years, everyone has been playing in a closed game, including the national team players, has been in a closed game, whether mentally and physically tired, the players on the field will definitely go all out to play, and it is very exciting to train with everyone after returning to the team, because it has not been seen for a long time, I hope that I can play a good state in the game and go all out to play every game." ”

(Cool Ink Dust)

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