
Black sesame seeds have the effect of tonifying the liver and kidneys and are highly respected by doctors


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There is a kind of dried fruit in winter, it is a small seed, but it is very versatile, it can be pressed oil, sauce, cooking, it also has the meaning of rising.

Black sesame seeds have the effect of tonifying the liver and kidneys and are highly respected by doctors

  It was originally a seed, accompanied by sand and hardship, after coming to the ancient civilization of the East, it was included in various pharmacopoeias and enshrined as the most precious treasure of health. For thousands of years, the Chinese people who are well versed in the way of health care have long understood the wide application of black sesame seeds for medicinal and food use in their daily diets, and the industrious and intelligent Chinese with an understanding of the food and health culture, seeking inspiration for transformation in continuous attempts. This little seed is the black sesame seed.

  Zhumadian, Henan, is located in the Huai River Valley, with sufficient light and fertile land, known as the world's granary and Zhongzhou oil depot. In the "Runanzhi", it is recorded that various oil mills are all over the city and countryside, and the farmers have the skills of grinding oil.

  The autumn wind has just arrived, and there is already a chill in the north. The harvested black sesame seeds were loaded onto a small trailer and sent to the oil mill before dark.

  The water substitution method, the ancient oil making method that has been passed down for thousands of years, the finer the sauce is ground, the better, and the oil cells are fully ruptured in order to extract as much oil as possible. After a long period of stirring with different intensities, the oil is refined and emits a mouth-watering aroma.

  As early as the Song Dynasty, the sesame seeds and small ground sesame oil in Zhumadian, Henan province, were particularly famous. Is this due to the local climate and environment?

Black sesame seeds have the effect of tonifying the liver and kidneys and are highly respected by doctors

  For the cultivation of sesame seeds, we must pay attention to these conditions. The first is that it likes heat and does not like cold, so the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the Northeast Region are not suitable. Since we like heat and do not like cold, why is it not appropriate to go further south, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and Hainan? Because its second condition is called like dry, not wet, not wet. The south side was too humid so it wasn't appropriate. The third condition is soil conditions. Because zhumadian, especially its Pingyu county, the soil of the black soil of lime ginger is relatively fertile, especially (is) the content of available potassium is relatively rich, so it is most suitable for the cultivation of sesame seeds. The sesame peel grown here is relatively thin, the taste is mellow, and the aftertaste is relatively sweet, so the oil yield is high.

  Has black sesame seeds been highly respected by our doctors since ancient times?

  There are many places where chinese medicine uses black sesame seeds. Its first effect is to tonify the liver and kidneys, especially the kidneys. Kidney reproduction, development, and longevity are directly related, so everything that enters the kidneys and supplements the liver and kidneys is helpful in delaying aging. The second great effect of black sesame seeds is to moisten the intestines and laxative. Why does it moisturize the intestines and laxative? In terms of composition, it is rich in oil and some crude fiber, so it can directly increase gastrointestinal peristalsis. From the perspective of the sexual taste theory of Chinese medicine, it is yin nourishing, and yin nourishment can treat constipation caused by yin deficiency and kidney deficiency. There are many ways to treat constipation in Chinese medicine, one of which is called the water increase method. There was no more water in the river, and of course the boat could not move. Therefore, people with yin deficiency, people with qi and yin deficiency, and people with liver and kidney deficiency should use the method of supplementation to treat constipation. Black sesame seeds are more suitable for constipation caused by yin deficiency or liver and kidney deficiency, especially for the elderly.

  The method of cooking black sesame in China is very rich, so we invited Guan Weiqiang to see what kind of food he would make with black sesame seeds.

Black sesame seeds have the effect of tonifying the liver and kidneys and are highly respected by doctors

  We make a dessert with black sesame seeds, called sesame rolls, which are also called "fei lin" in Cantonese. "Film" is the meaning of film, the whole drum of film is black, sesame roll is like a roll of film rolled up, black, the appearance is very similar to film, the taste is sweet and soft, very delicious. The material is very simple, but when stir-frying, there is a problem that appears, do you know whether this black sesame is fried well or not? In fact, there is a small trick, that is, add a little white sesame seeds to the black sesame seeds, see the white sesame seeds are golden yellow, and the sesame seeds are fried. When stir-frying, it is best to stir-fry over a slow heat for half an hour before the aroma of sesame seeds can be forced out. Stir-fried until the black sesame seeds are swollen, and it is easy to crush them when you hold them in your hand, and you are fried. Then pour the sautéed sesame seeds into the blender, pour the water in, break it, then pour the horseshoe powder into it, and stir it evenly.

Black sesame seeds have the effect of tonifying the liver and kidneys and are highly respected by doctors

  Pour it out first after typing. Boil half of the water and add sugar, add less if the taste is light, gently boil and scoop in about 50 grams (beaten sesame seeds), stir quickly, stir until thick paste, first put a spoonful into it and stir evenly, slowly pour it into it. Next, it is ready to steam, and you can use a plate or a flat plate to pour the prepared black sesame paste on it. This dessert is very well made at home and small children definitely enjoy playing. Sesame paste can be steamed for 2 minutes, a thin layer of skin, and then immediately put in ice water, how long does it take to cool? Just watch it without getting angry. Then scrape it with a small plastic plate cut from home, roll it into a sesame roll, put it on a plate, cut into evenly sized segments, add a little white sesame seeds, and the production is complete.

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