
Zhang Yuqin: Winter in my hometown

author:The water of the water
Zhang Yuqin: Winter in my hometown

Winter in my hometown

It was cold

The sun is in the clouds

slack off

It was only half a day before a hot face appeared

A group of empty nesters

Against the base of the wall

Watch over the years

Eyes lonely and dazed

Dazed and empty

Time has long since taken them

Forgotten in another world

The wind was blowing hard

A few birds on a persimmon tree

Scramble for food

Lonely persimmon tree

More like parents

It's lonely

Lonely left

Bare landscape


Give me pearls onyx emeralds

Give me white jade sculpture costume pop color

I don't

I gladly accepted

The coin you gave me

This little coin

It is more precious than the gold coins of the iron cast "emperors"

It will not be worn away by the years

will not be stolen by thieves,

There is joy and there is silence

It's like a mirror of the mind

Melted into countless beautiful legends

I will save secretly

Save permanently

In the passbook of my soul...


I am a little grass

The edge of the village of Meru no

Straighten the stems

Fine leaf micro-buds

No self-pity

There are no fences around

No self-mourning

No gardeners to take care of

Not self-progressive

There is no poplar tree Weigao

Don't sigh

No peonies

Just by virtue of one's own roots

Just by the vitality of the chest cavity

Open up growth paths

Once baked in the hot sun


Once a torrential roar


Once stormed


Once thunder and lightning cracked

No wailing

Once the ghost demon cut the grass

There is no prayer -

Once the beast nibbled

There was no begging for forgiveness

What is it

Enrich your arms

Can endure all this suffering

Please wait until the turn of autumn and winter

Look at the thousands of seeds that ripen

Ride the wind to sprinkle

The trenches of the Loess Plateau...

Until the dry stems

Turned into a flame in the hearth


It's my pride

My smile


Days of hydrogen absorption

Time is in hydrogen

Turns into foam

Ringing in your ears

In the river of years

Become music

I sat there

It's like a ripple on the surface of the water

Hydrogen slowly comes from the nostrils

Seepages into the human body

Where the body has been injured

Little by little, it was smoothed out.

Read a guy late at night

Late at night reading a writer's novel

I meet him in the novel

His words warmed me

There was also a bit of coldness in the warmth

Coldness contains poetry

Finish reading the novel

Read his picture again

The picture is a little blunt, and it's still looking at me

After reading the novel, I forgot the content

There's still a little bit of warmth

Turn off the lights and I rest

The novelist also breathes in the text


Too yin oblique shadow

Leaking out of the crevices of the trees

Sprinkle a ground of crushed gold

I sat under the tree

Read its sorrows

The sunset is receding in the distance

Inexplicable melancholy

In the pages of the book that I did not close, I closed the curtain

Mother's funeral

I kept glaring

Someone kept calling my mother's name

The mother's name was after her death

Only then did someone shout

Mother's name

At her funeral

Brightened up

When she had no echo or perception

I was finally called a day

Zhang Yuqin: Winter in my hometown

Zhang Yuqin is a teacher from Qishan, Shaanxi. In the domestic print media such as "Oriental Literature and Art", "China Young Writers Daily", "Yanhe" and other domestic print media, he published more than 300 first articles of various kinds. The articles published have been reprinted by large websites such as "China Writers Network", "Guangming Network", "Xinhua Net", "China Literature and Art Network", "France News Network" and so on. He published the collection of essays, "Putting on a Flowing Shirt for the Soul", which is a member of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association.

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