
The viruses infected in the three cases in Zhejiang are all Delta variants

At 5 p.m. on December 12, Zhejiang held the 86th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and the provincial health commission and the provincial disease control responsible person introduced the relevant situation and answered questions from reporters.

At the press conference, a reporter proposed:

Q: The epidemic situation in Ningbo, Shaoxing and Hangzhou has developed rapidly, has the virus been traced back to the source, and the virus has spread very quickly, is it a new mutation of the virus?

Jiang Jianmin, deputy director of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention: At present, there are local cases in Shaoxing, Ningbo and Hangzhou in our province, and we have sequenced the whole genome of the virus, and the virus in the three places belongs to the VOC Delta variant. In fact, it is very easy for the virus to mutate, not every time to develop in an uncontrollable direction, appealing to the general public and friends not to panic as soon as they hear that the virus has mutated, we must believe in science.

The World Health Organization divides the COVID-19 virus variant into two categories: VOC (a variant of concern) and VOI (a variant to be seen). The Delta strain belongs to the first category, a variant strain worth paying attention to. There are more than 10 mutation sites on the spike protein of the new crown virus, which affects the spread of the virus to some extent. Comprehensive analysis of Delta's mutant strains compared with the original popular strains has five characteristics:

1. The transmission force is stronger, the transmission speed of Delta disease strain is fast, the onset time is shortened, the intergenerational transmission interval is short, and the average incubation period is shortened by 1 to 2 days;

2. High viral load. The lower the CT value, the higher the viral load of the patient, and the longer it takes for nucleic acid detection to turn negative;

3. More pathogenic. Delta in India and the UNITED Kingdom, the risk of hospitalization is higher, and patients may turn into severe critical illness early;

4. The clinical manifestations are similar. There is no significant difference from the original epidemic strain, and the clinical manifestation is fever, dry cough, fatigue and so on;

5. There may be immune escape, but existing vaccines still have a protective effect. Vaccination not only prevents infection, but also significantly reduces the risk of severe illness and death.

The outbreak is locked into the Delta mutation, and the spread has increased, but we have accumulated experience in prevention and control, and we believe that we will be able to defeat the virus.

(Hangzhou + News)

The viruses infected in the three cases in Zhejiang are all Delta variants

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